고용보험 가입이력 조회, 증명서 출력 및 PDF로 저장 방법 How to check employment insurance subscription history, print certificate and save as PDF

This is a way to check whether you are enrolled in employment insurance and your subscription history. There are cases where you must submit employment insurance qualification history. You can self-issue it online. Please refer to and follow the method below.

고용보험 가입이력 조회

고용보험 가입이력 조회

First of all, the place where you can check your employment insurance subscription history and issue an employment insurance qualification history statement is a site called ‘Korea Workers’ Compensation & Welfare Service Employment/Industrial Accident Insurance Total Service (total.comwel.or.kr).’ This is a site operated by the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service that is used by not only individuals but also businesses regarding employment insurance and industrial accident insurance.

It is said that the certificates that can be issued on this site include employment and industrial accident insurance qualification history statements, insurance benefit payment confirmation forms, and insurance benefit ledger printing.

Employment and Industrial Accident Insurance Qualification History Statement
Print out insurance benefit ledger
Insurance benefit payment confirmation center



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How to check employment insurance subscription history
When you access the Employment and Industrial Accident Insurance Total Service site, the screen below will appear. From here, select the ‘Personal’ menu and log in.
Employment and Industrial Accident Insurance Total Service-Go here


When you log in, the worker classification appears at the bottom of the screen. For reference, find and select the ‘Employment and Industrial Accident Insurance Qualification History Statement’ menu in the personal menu.
Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service-Industrial Accident Insurance-Total Service

You can also go to ‘Individual > Application/Issuance of Certification > Employment and Industrial Accident Insurance Qualification History Statement’.

This is the employment industrial accident insurance qualification history statement issuance screen. Select ‘Employment’ insurance in the insurance category, and select commercial or daily use in the inquiry category. It depends on your work history, so check both used work and daily work.


Below is the screen where you select regular employment and search. All of my employment insurance subscription history is displayed. You can select and issue only part of the qualification management detailed history. After selecting the content to be included in the Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement, select the type of resume and apply.

These are the types and differences between employment insurance qualification resumes. To display the entire details, select ‘Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement’.

Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement (individual workplace): A statement detailing the location of each individual workplace.
Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement: Print the entire history of subscription
Employment Insurance Selected Workplace Qualification History Statement: A statement containing only two or more qualifications selected from the qualification management detailed history.

Once you apply for issuance, you will be able to print the resume certificate as shown below.


When you print it, the Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement is printed as shown below.

The above statement is the ‘Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement’, and the below is the ‘Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement (Individual Business Site)’. There is a difference in that the name and location of the selected target business are detailed in the menu.

Above, we learned how to check employment insurance subscription details and issue subscription details resume.
Source: https://meal-time.tistory.com/entry/Employment Insurance-Subscription History-Check [Friendly Information: Tistory]