국민연금 환급금 조회 및 신청방법(feat.총정리)How to inquire and apply for refund of national pension (feat. Summary)

The refund of the national pension refers to cases where the notified insurance premium is double paid or refunded in case of overpayment. It is said that many people get a refund of 1.35 million won of national pension insurance premiums per person because they do not visit the national pension that they paid incorrectly. From now on, let’s look at the national pension refund information and how to apply.


National pension refund information

There are two types of national pension refunds. Partial payment monthly refund and overpayment refund. Partial payment month refund refers to insurance premiums returned by the NHIS because they have paid less than the insurance premiums imposed and are not recognized as paid months.



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Overpayment refund refers to the refund that the public corporation has to return by paying more than the insurance premium to be paid. Many people say that they double pay health insurance premiums or pay more than the amount due to the national pension and health insurance.


Normally paid national pension and health insurance cannot be refunded. However, overpayment refunds are refundable. The refund period for this overpayment refund is 3 years. However, many people say that the amount that they cannot find after 3 years is over 1.35 million won.


Refunds must be applied for and collected within 3 years for health insurance and 5 years for national pension from the date of payment of insurance premiums in accordance with laws related to extinctive prescription. From now on, let’s look at how to get your health insurance and national pension refund refunded.


How to find your National Pension Rebate

Access the National Health Insurance homepage.
In the customized menu for each visitor, click Inquiry/Application for Refund and find out about the refund.
If you are an individual, apply for a refund. If you are a business owner, submit an application and required documents to the competent branch office after checking the refund amount.


You can inquire/apply for refunds by visiting the National Health Insurance Service. After simple authentication, you can view the information.


Then, if there is an overpayment refund, you can simply check it and deposit it into the account you want.


Resolving questions about the national pension refund

The national pension refund is normally withdrawn and paid insurance premiums are difficult to refund.


Health insurance has a refund period of 3 years, and the national pension has a refund period of 5 years. So, if you make an additional inquiry on the 1355 number, you can receive more detailed refund information. In addition, if you are classified as a recipient of national basic livelihood security or a vulnerable group, you will be excluded from the application of the national pension. So it’s good to have a refund check as a must.