국민카드 재발급 2 ways to report loss of Kookmin Card :: Smart Home

국민카드 재발급Whether or not the card loss report has been properly received can be checked again through ‘Confirm card loss report number 4’. Even if you press 1588-1788 and select No. 2 Report Loss and Release, you can report the loss of your Kookmin Card 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

For those outside, calling the ARS number directly and reporting it would be the fastest way. If your PC is nearby, you can also report theft or loss using the KB Kookmin Card website. Access the Kookmin Card homepage, and select ‘Customer Center’ from the small menu at the top.

You will see a large button called ‘Report Card Stolen’. Go to that menu.

You have to log in to report.

Please log in by choosing a convenient method among Kmotion login, ID password, and public certificate method. When you log in, the theft/lost information input screen will appear. Select the lost card among several national cards first, and then designate the area of ​​the accident. Korea, Africa, Europe, America, etc…

You have to choose whether or not to reissue the card, but if you have to use the card again anyway, it would be better to check ‘Reissue’. The expiration date of the replacement card is issued the same as the expiration date of the card to be reported. If the card cannot be reissued due to the end of sales, it will be reissued as an alternative card product. Choose a convenient authentication method among public certificate authentication/credit card authentication/mobile phone authentication, and also select whether or not to apply for the cash card function.

국민카드 재발급
