내용증명 작성방법 및 양식 다운로드 How to fill out the certification form and download the form

Content certification is a system in which the post office proves ‘when’ and ‘to whom’ a document was sent with ‘what’ content, and is often used when it is necessary to consider matters related to claims for damages, contract termination, or debt performance.

내용증명 작성방법

내용증명 작성방법

In this article, we will learn about how to easily send and fill out a certificate of contents by yourself using an internet post office, as well as the form and cost of the certificate of contents.

How to write a proof of contents
What is proof of content?
Content certification is a system in which the post office certifies ‘what’ content a document was sent ‘when’ and ‘to whom’ it was sent. This is often sent when there is a need to consider matters related to claims for damages, termination of contracts, or fulfillment of obligations. If you are an employee or a business owner, you will also receive a certificate of contents when notifying or giving advance notice in writing before disciplinary action or dismissal of an employee.
You can fill out and print the content certification form yourself and then visit the post office in person to send it, but you can also save time and money by easily sending the content certification online. You can also send it yourself by following the steps below.

How to send a certificate of contents to the Internet Post Office (Shortcut)
You can access the Internet post office and apply for certification of contents. Before that, of course, you can write the document that needs to be certified in Korean or Excel and send it to the post office as proof of contents via the Internet.


How to send proof of contents

The first way to send a certificate of contents for rent return or other written confirmation at the Internet Post Office is to register as a member of the Internet Post Office. A separate public certificate is not required, but an ID registered as a member in the sender’s name is required. In the case of an agent, separate documents are required, so please prepare an ID in the name of the sender to prove the contents.

From the menu bar at the top of the homepage, select Internet Post Office – Mail – Certification Service – Content Certification. If you click on ‘Application for Certification of Contents’, you can apply after verifying your business number. Businesses need a universal public certificate.

Go to Internet Post Office

Install necessary programs
You will need to download and install several programs to create a content certificate. You must download and install a certificate verification program, a viewer for viewing content documents, and an editing tool for writing the text. Installation doesn’t take much time.

How to write a proof of contents (link)
Creating a proof of contents begins with registering the recipient and who is sending the proof of contents to whom. Since this is important information, the recipient must enter it accurately as the proof of contents is being sent. First, check the sender’s address and recipient’s address and write the content.


How to write a proof of contents
If you have a written document, you can load it, but sometimes errors occur when loading the document, so if an error occurs, you must insert the previously written content by copying and pasting.

After filling out the content certification form, attach a screenshot of a text message containing the content requesting return of deposit, etc. from the landlord.

Download the content certification form

Contents certification form standard
Up to 150 documents can be sent at a time for content certification, and the number of recipients is up to 4,320. If you use Mailmerge, you can use it for up to 2 people, and you must pay attention to the margin standards when writing documents.

Based on A4 paper, you must maintain a margin of at least 20mm at the top, 40mm at the bottom, 15mm on the left, and 15mm on the right. Document writing tools include Hangul, MS-WORD, PowerPoint, PDF, Excel, and Nexel. File upload is not possible if page numbers or footers are added to the document file.

In cases where it is difficult due to lack of editor support, you can visit the post office and use the content certification directly.

Click here to view hidden government subsidies

Number of days required for delivery of proof of content
Depending on the number of days it takes for delivery, the certificate of contents will be delivered within 3 days from the day after receipt for registered mail, and for next-day express delivery, it will be delivered the day after receipt. In the Jeju area, the next-day express delivery date is adjusted to D+2 days. However, if payment is completed before 14:00, it will be delivered the next day. For large quantities, next-day express delivery is only available for orders of 100 or less. Additionally, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are excluded from the delivery days.

Content certification fee
The content certification fee is 1,300 won for the first copy, and 650 won is added for each additional copy. In the case of alumni content certification, a fee for the first copy of the content document is also included, and an additional fee of 1,300 won is added for each additional content document. If registered mail is returned due to unknown address, etc., a return registration fee of 2,100 won will be added.

As an example of a fee, in the case of registration and commerce, the final fee can be calculated by considering the registration fee, content certification fee, and production fee.

Payment and confirmation after completion of proof of contents
At the end, you have to pay the cost of sending the certificate of contents. It is attached depending on the number of sheets, but for 5 sheets, about 11,000 won is paid for by next-day express.


There is no difference from visiting the post office in person, so if visiting in person is inconvenient, it is convenient to fill out and submit it in person based on the online post office content certification method.
Finally, after completing payment with a card or other payment method, you can check your proof of contents. From here, you can print out the documents delivered directly to you. Document printing can only be done once, and online content verification submission cannot be canceled after document printing.

When you need to send a proof of contents, don’t worry or think it’s difficult. Now, try the easy challenge of sending a proof of contents online. In addition to content certification for requesting a deposit refund, which is an issue these days, content certification is also often used when conducting business and requiring written records.
You can easily send a certificate of contents without going to the post office, so please familiarize yourself with how to fill out and send a certificate of contents online to save time traveling back and forth.