다이소 직영점 Find a Daiso direct store (stores where mobile gift certificates can be used)

다이소 직영점prime time

Daiso has not only directly managed stores, but also affiliated stores. Daiso mobile gift certificates can only be used at directly managed stores. Let’s find out how to find Daiso directly managed stores.

You can search directly managed stores that can use mobile gift certificates through local search on the Daiso official website.

Daiso directly managed store search▼
This is Daiso’s mobile value voucher management system that you can use with your loved ones.
This is Daiso’s mobile value voucher management system that you can use with your loved ones.

After accessing the link above, if you set a region such as Daegu, Busan, Gwangju, Changwon, etc., you can check the list and location of Daiso directly managed stores in that region.

Daiso directly managed stores are directly operated by the head office, and affiliated stores, like franchise restaurants, are opened by individual business owners after signing a contract with the headquarters.

Find out how to find a directly managed store to use Daiso Imitation Day gift certificates. Mobile gift certificates cannot be used at affiliated stores, so please visit directly managed stores through writing.

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