무인 아이스크림 창업비용 Ice Cream Discount Store Unmanned Store Startup Cost – Ranking 5: Small Business Startup News

무인 아이스크림 창업비용In order to start a discount ice cream store, you need facilities, interior design, freezers (refrigerators), and ice cream purchase costs.
The interior is organized based on a store size of approximately 10 pyeong. If you do a good job with the interior, it can cost tens of millions of won. Let me tell you about the ice cream shops you normally see in your neighborhood.
Freezers (refrigerators) are rented free of charge from ice cream supply stores. When the store closes, the dealer takes it back.
It costs about 600,000 won to fill one freezer with ice cream. If you franchise, about 1,000 positions will be filled. The cost is approximately 500,000 won. But it doesn’t fill a whole freezer.

If you also want to make snacks, the cost of the snack angle is about 1 million won. And if you fill all the shelves with snacks, it will cost about 3 million won more.
Deposit and key money are separate. I haven’t included it in the costs here. It is absolutely necessary to locate it on a street frequented by many students. It should never be done on the second floor or in a secluded alley.
It should be located on the first floor and in a route where children frequently pass by. In that case, it may be a store with a key money.

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무인 아이스크림 창업비용
