무직자 신용카드 발급방법 및 발급 조건 How to issue a credit card for the unemployed and conditions for issuance

Summarize the conditions for issuing a credit card for the unemployed. Usually, in order to get a credit card, there is a condition that you must have a job. I think that you have to go to work to get a credit card issued, but there are other ways to get a credit card issued.
무직자 신용카드 발급
Conditions for issuing unemployed credit cards
Own the vehicle in your name for at least 3 months
If you live in an apartment (married only)
If your spouse has income
Those enrolled in the 4 major insurance
Credit rating up to 7 points
People who don’t owe loans
Personal Insurance Payment Criteria
Credit card issuance conditions for the unemployed by card company
Shinhan Card Unemployed Credit Card
Nonghyup Card Unemployed Credit Card
KB Kookmin Card Unemployed Credit Card
Samsung Card unemployed credit card
Woori Bank unemployed credit card
How to block credit cards and why you shouldn’t
Other posts in the category ‘Loan Information > Unemployed Loans’

This article contains 7 basic conditions for issuing credit cards to unemployed people. In fact, it is difficult to use a general credit card to obtain a credit card for the unemployed. Generally, you must have no history of overdue loans and have a certain amount in your bank account balance within a few months before you can get a credit card.

무직자 신용카드 발급

Thumbnail of conditions for issuing credit cards for unemployed people

Even if you have signed up for the 4 major insurances at your previous job, own a car, or have a history of paying 3-month insurance premiums, you can issue a certain amount of insurance premiums with a credit card even if you are unemployed or have no current income.


Conditions for issuing unemployed credit cards

Please refer to the 8 items below for the conditions for issuing a credit card for the unemployed. You may be eligible for an unemployment credit card if you have no credit rating and are in arrears on your loan. Also, credit card issuance conditions apply if you have your own car, are married and live in an apartment.



Own the vehicle in your name for at least 3 months
The condition for issuing a credit card to the unemployed is that the owner of a car in his or her name must hold it for at least 3 months in order to issue a credit card to the unemployed. In general, if you own a car in your name, you can use other loan products.


issuance conditions


A vehicle in your name within 10 years of shipment
Vehicle registered in my name for more than 3 months
When points can be accumulated and discounted with Hyundai Cards such as M2 and X2


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If you live in an apartment (married only)
Conditions for issuing an unemployed credit card apply to married persons residing in apartments. You can obtain a credit card by checking your spouse’s credit rating, credit card issuance conditions, spouse’s credit rating or loan delinquency history.


Based on Hyundai Card or Shinhan Card, conditions are different for each card company, and college students, unemployed people, and part-time students can get a credit card regardless of age if the conditions are met.

If your spouse has income
It is a weir-like vein. If your spouse has current income, they may be able to get a credit card. However, it is limited to cases where the credit rating of the spouse is checked and there is no history of loan delinquency or financial fraud. A credit card can be issued through a normal route, not a guarantee, if you look at whether your spouse is covered by the four major insurances, how much you work, and how much your income is.


Those enrolled in the 4 major insurance
Even if you are unemployed, you can check your credit rating and get a credit card if you have the 4 major insurance records. In this case, there is no current job, but the mobility is not inconvenient and the income generating environment is very good. To issue a credit card, you only need to inquire the payment details of the 4 major insurances at the bank. There are many reviews and examples that most people with a history of the 4 insurances can issue a credit card without problems.



Credit rating up to 7 points

Cards can only be issued if the credit rating is within the 7th grade. Again, once your credit score reaches 8, you can’t get a credit card anywhere you go. I know what people with 7 credit ratings are looking for on their credit cards.


Unemployed people know how difficult it is to get a credit card with a credit rating of 7. If you look at people who say they have been issued a credit card, there are cases where they have fallen to level 7 with someone else’s credit card.




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People who don’t owe loans
If your loan is not delinquent, you can issue a credit card with a pull-up. Loan delinquency, cell phone bill delinquency, non-payment, etc. are identified when determining credit ratings and terms of loan or credit card issuance.


Loan overdue for 3 months or more
Financial Transaction Fraud History
Unpaid mobile phone bill (communication fee), overdue record
People who have a lot of recurring emergency loans

If there is no overdue loan, you need to check if the above 4 items apply. In order for the unemployed to get a credit card, we know that most credit cards are issued for purposes such as selling gift certificates.


Personal Insurance Payment Criteria

Even if you are unemployed, a credit card planner will understand how your personal insurance pays and will determine if your card is eligible. The payment standard for life insurance is determined by property tax or local medical insurance.


Local medical insurance paid by the head of household (50,000 won per month)
Life insurance (100,000 won per month)
Pension recipients (500,000 won per month)

Review the credit card issuance conditions by determining the above family medical insurance, life insurance, national pension recipients, other income and personal insurance payment standards. If you pay 100,000 won per month for life insurance, you can issue a credit card.


Credit card issuance conditions for the unemployed by card company
Different credit card companies have different conditions for issuing credit cards to unemployed people. Each bank, such as Shinhan Card, Nonghyup Card, and Kookmin Card, has different card issuance requirements. Please refer to the information below.


Shinhan Card Unemployed Credit Card

The minimum conditions for issuing a Shinhan Card credit card for the unemployed must be met.


Payment history of more than 50,000 won in national pension for more than 3 months
If married, measure your spouse’s income.
If you own an apartment or house and pay property taxes
A person with a credit card from another bank – a person with a credit rating of 7 or lower
A person who has deposited more than 5 million won in another bank (Payment record for more than 6 months)
Shinhan Bank bank account balance exceeds 800,000 won in 3 months – 20 years of age or older
Those who received previous salary through Shinhan Bank

Nonghyup Card Unemployed Credit Card
Conditions for issuing credit cards to unemployed are as follows: The background is similar to Shinhan Card, and the concept of property tax is somewhat complicated.


23+ Married
Local health insurance subscribers: 40,000 won per month for 3 months or more
Donate over 50,000 won per month to the National Pension Service

The advantage of applying for a Nonghyup unemployed credit card is that most full-time housewives have relatively low standards, so if you have a spouse, you can apply on the same day if you submit a certificate of kinship or a copy of family register.



KB Kookmin Card Unemployed Credit Card

Qualifications for KB Kookmin Card to issue a credit card to the unemployed include credit rating, pension recipient, and national pension payment details. All Credit, Nice Keeper and Credit Score are different, so check below.


Credit score NICE 710 or higher, KCB All Credit 620 or higher
20 years of age or older
Pension income earner Other pension of 1 million won or more or public pension of at least 500,000 won
Health insurance payment history If you paid more than 50,000 won per month for more than 3 months
If you have paid more than 100,000 won or more than 3 months
If the account balance of other bank transactions is more than KRW 3,000,000


Samsung Card unemployed credit card
The conditions for issuing a credit card to unemployed Samsung Card Samsung affiliates are subject to the requirements of other banks and whether or not the person owns a vehicle.


Conditions for issuance In case of steady payment of at least 30,000 won for local medical insurance for 3 months or more
Installment Savings Details If the installment savings details of other banks are paid over 300,000 won per month for 6 months
If you have paid more than 50,000 won per month to the National Pension Scheme for more than 3 months
If the vehicle has been owned in your name for less than 6 years and has been owned in your name for more than 3 months
The bank account balance does not matter, and the average balance is 500,000 won or more for more than 3 months


Woori Bank unemployed credit card

Woori Bank’s credit card issuance conditions are similar to those of the aforementioned banks.


If you have paid the premiums consistently for 6 months or more
Installment savings in other banks At least 200,000 won each If you have more than 6 months of installment savings
If you have an apartment, villa or house in your name on the property tax basis
National pension, health insurance premium National pension: 100,000 won Health insurance premium: 50,000 won or more for 3 months or more
Conditions for issuance If the spouse has income

How to block credit cards and why you shouldn’t

Let’s take a moment to learn how to block credit cards and why you shouldn’t. One of the reasons unemployed people get credit cards is to keep them from getting their money back.