미소금융 창업대출 A complete summary of microfinance startup/operating funds/facility improvement funds/emergency livelihood funds loans – Knowledge Salon

미소금융 창업대출However, this time, we will guide you to the loans that are helpful to individual business owners among the numerous microfinance loans. In other words, we will provide you with loans that can help you secure the start-up funds needed to start a business, as well as the operating funds/facility improvement funds/emergency livelihood funds needed while operating a business.

In addition, we will summarize government-backed loans for individual business owners, so if you need a loan, please check it out until the end.

Table of Contents

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There are many types of microfinance loans, so those who encounter them for the first time may be very confused. To summarize, there are ▲’Microfinance Startup Loan’, which allows you to borrow the funds needed when starting a business, and ▲’Microfinance Operation/Facility Improvement/Emergency Living Fund’, which allows you to borrow the funds needed when running your own business. It can be broadly divided into two types.

To make these two easier to understand, let’s break them down and organize them in detail as follows.

Above, I have categorized microfinance loan items to make it easier to understand. From now on, we will introduce each item step by step, using tables and images as much as possible so that you can understand each item at a glance.

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In order to use the five types of microcredit start-up loans (▲rental deposit loan, ▲start-up operating funds, ▲start-up facility funds, ▲subsistence vehicle purchase funds, and ▲unregistered business start-up funds), common loan qualifications are required.

Those who are planning to start a business must meet any one of the three requirements below.

To qualify for a microfinance startup loan, additional detailed requirements are required for each item in addition to the common qualification requirements explained above. To make it easier to see, it is as follows.

The following table summarizes the loan conditions for each item of microfinance startup loan.

Microfinance – Startup Loan

In the case of microcredit operation/facility improvement/emergency livelihood funds, the loan qualifications for ▲operating funds, ▲facility improvement funds, and ▲unregistered business operating funds are the same. However, only emergency living funds have different loan qualifications. To summarize, it is as follows.

First of all, the eligibility requirements for microfinance operating funds, facility improvement funds, and unregistered business loans are as follows.

On the other hand, the eligibility for Microfinance Emergency Living Fund loan is as follows.

The loan conditions for microfinance loans (operation/facility improvement/emergency livelihood funds) are summarized in the table below so that you can understand them at a glance.


The microfinance loan process and application method are as follows.

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The reasons for rejection of microfinance loans are summarized below so that you can understand them at a glance.
Reason for rejection

Microfinance loans are beneficial loans that allow even low-income and low-credit people to raise funds at low interest rates. However, there may be people who do not meet the qualifications.

For these people, we have compiled a comprehensive list of government-backed loans for self-employed individuals. We have selected and organized only products with very high approval rates, so please be sure to check them out.

> Which self-employed government-backed loan is best for me?

Recently, there is good news for self-employed individuals. That is, internet-only banks are launching non-face-to-face loan products for individual business owners.

In addition, first-tier commercial banks are also preparing to launch 100% non-face-to-face loan products exclusively for individual business owners. Among these banks, Toss Bank, an internet bank, was the first to launch a credit loan product for individual businesses.

Toss Bank’s individual business loan has the advantage of being able to be applied for 100% non-face-to-face. In addition, there is a strong advantage that there is no early repayment fee.

And it is expected that the approval rate will be higher than that of general commercial banks. For more detailed information on this, please refer to the article below.

> Toss Bank CEO Loan, non-face-to-face individual business loan launched!

So far, we have explained in detail microfinance loans (start-up/operating funds/facility improvement funds/emergency livelihood funds). I hope the information in this article will be helpful to those who need a loan.

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