쏘카 이용요금 및 이용방법 Socar usage fees and usage method

This is a simple summary of Socar prices and Socar usage fees in just 1 minute. Socar is a car sharing service that allows you to rent a car for a short period of time and use it in a simple and hassle-free manner. It is more convenient to use as it has an affordable price and calculates mileage including gas costs. Let’s learn more about usage fees.


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Soca price usage fee
SOCAR is a rental car that can be rented by the hour. This is a car that you can rent when you go on a business trip or need a vehicle for a short period of time. This is a service that is especially used a lot by young people.



How to pay for SOCAR usage fees
Socar settles the fee twice.
1. Pay once when making a reservation

2. Pay again when returning

The reasons for paying twice are as follows.

1. Payment when making a reservation

Rental fee
▶ Rental fee: When making a reservation, you pay a fee equivalent to the vehicle rental time.

▶ Insurance premium (exemption product fee): This means paying an insurance premium. At this time, you can choose to pay out-of-pocket in the event of an accident. Insurance premiums vary slightly for each vehicle type. Insurance premiums vary depending on deductibles. The deductible is divided into 50,000 won / 300,000 won / 700,000 won. The deductible is the highest cost you bear in the event of an accident. If you pay the high burden of 700,000 won, your insurance premium will be cheaper, and if you choose the low deductible of 50,000 won, your deductible will be higher.



This is an example of Avante rental fees and insurance premiums for 1 hour.

– Rental fee: 9,930 won

– Insurance premium, deductible product fee (copay): 4,480 won (50,000 won) / 2,700 (300,000 won) / 2,150 (700,000 won)


Rental fees vary depending on time and vehicle type. And the insurance premium (deductible product fee) also varies depending on the time and type of vehicle you rent the vehicle.


Avante highway driving

2. Payment when returning

After driving Socar, payment is as follows.

Hi-pass fee (highway driving toll)
Driving fee (fuel price)
Additional rental fee and exemption product fee when extending return
Post-driving fees are based on the distance driven. Unlike regular car rentals, the fee is calculated based on the distance driven. The reason is the price of oil. Since Socar is rented for short distances and for a short period of time, it is not possible to check the fuel level, so the fuel cost is calculated based on the distance driven and the fuel cost is calculated when returning the car. This is called a driving fee. However, if you run out of gas while riding SoCar, you can refuel with the card provided in the car. It’s in the top right corner of your dashboard.


With SoCar, you pay for the fares you use while driving the vehicle. And the driving fee is calculated after driving. In addition, if an extension is made, the extension fee and insurance premium (exemption product fee) due to the extension will also be charged.