안마의자 버리는 법 [Waste Sticker] Purchase large household waste sticker in Gwanak-gu (online application for issuance and report on the Internet)

To dispose of large household waste in Gwanak-gu, you must purchase a waste sticker. In this post, we will introduce how to purchase waste stickers (how to dispose of bulky waste), and dispose of large household waste easily and quickly on mobile! 안마의자 버리는 법


안마의자 버리는 법


How do I dispose of bulky waste?
Gwanak-gu handles bulky waste in the following order. 1분전

1. Access the Gwanak-gu Office website

2. Move to bulky waste page

3. Online application for bulky waste disposal

4. Enter waste generator information

5. Enter the discharge location, item and schedule

6. Final confirmation of bulky waste application details

7. Payment of bulky waste collection fee

8. Report completion certificate (paper written by hand) attached to bulky waste

9. Dispose of bulky waste on the designated date, time and place

How to Dispose of Bulky Waste in Elegant Organized Gwanak-gu



How to buy waste stickers?
Waste stickers can be purchased online or in person. It is recommended to purchase online rather than visiting in person, and it may be more convenient to purchase waste stickers by mobile rather than PC. Below is how to purchase waste stickers on mobile.

1. Go to the mobile Gwanak-gu Office website

2. Click the bulky waste icon

3. Waste sticker online application

4. Enter waste sticker buyer information

5. Enter the discharge location, item, schedule, details, etc.

6. Final confirmation of application details

7. Waste sticker payment

8. Discharge large waste after attaching the sticker

How to purchase the Elegant Clearance Gwanak-gu large-scale household waste sticker



Access to Gwanak-gu Office website
Search for Gwanak-gu Office on your mobile and access the homepage.

Access the website of Gwanak-gu Office to purchase elegant waste stickers


Click the bulky waste icon
After accessing the Gwanak-gu website, scroll down and you will see your favorite service area in the center. Find the Bulky Waste icon here and click on it.

Click on the Elegant Cleanup Gwanak-gu Bulky Waste icon


Bulky Waste Discharge Online Application
Go to the Bulky Waste Disposal Information page and scroll down. Then you will see two buttons as shown in the picture below. Among them, click the Bulky Waste Discharge Online Application button.

Elegant Organization Gwanak-gu large-scale waste discharge guide and waste sticker purchase page


Enter bulky municipal waste applicant information
Now it’s time to enter the applicant’s information. Please enter your name, password and mobile phone number. The password is used to check the waste sticker purchased by the applicant, and only 4 digits are required.

Elegant Organizing Gwanak-gu Oversized Household Waste Sticker Enter applicant information


✅ Do I need to verify my identity?

In Gwanak-gu, you do not have to sign up for membership or log in, and there is no process to verify your phone number. This makes purchasing waste stickers quick and easy.


Enter the collection and discharge location for bulky waste
After entering the applicant information, the discharge location must be entered. First, select the dong where you live by pressing the emission area button. In the discharge address field, click Find address, enter the correct address, attach a waste sticker, and enter the location where bulky waste is to be disposed of in the detailed discharge address.

Enter the discharge location for elegant clean-up bulky waste collection


Browse Large Municipal Waste Stickers
After entering all of the ejection addresses, scroll down. Then, you will see the contents related to the discharge history, and press the waste and standard selection button here. At this time, you will be moved to a new window, and enter the desired large household waste sticker in the item name. After clicking the square box on the right, click the OK button below.

Elegant Organize Oversized Household Waste Sticker Browse Items


✅ What if there is no waste sticker item?

Because there are many types of waste, the Waste Sticker section may not have what you are looking for. In this case, you can choose a similar item.


Check waste sticker items
After completing the selection, you can check the waste name, size, fee, and quantity as shown in the figure below. The quantity can be selected according to how many items are discarded, and can be canceled through the Delete button.

Elegant Clearance Gwanak-gu Waste Sticker Item Check


Fill in the expected discharge date and details
Finally, select the expected release date. Since it is the scheduled discharge date, not the scheduled collection date, you must dispose of large household waste according to that date. In Details, enter what bulky waste collectors need to know.

Select the expected date of discharge of large-scale waste and fill in the details


Final confirmation of contents
This is the final step to confirm all the information entered so far. You can check each one for errors and correct them by clicking the Edit button at the bottom. When all processes are complete, click the payment button.

Final confirmation of the purchase of elegant clean-up large-scale household waste stickers


Large-scale municipal waste sticker payment
Payment methods include credit card payment and account transfer. Pay for your waste sticker using your preferred method.

Elegant Clearance Oversized Living Waste Sticker Payment



Gwanak-gu Bulk Waste Disposal FAQ

✅ Precautions

In the case of moving waste, collection is refused because there are too many oversized waste. If moving waste occurs, it is recommended to contact Elegant Arrangement. Elegant Cleanup treats large-sized wastes in general households based on the trust of various companies.

Elegant Clearance Large Waste Disposal Company


✅ Bulky waste discharge date

In Gwanak-gu, bulky waste is discharged from Tuesday to Friday. Oversized household waste is not collected on Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and public holidays. The discharge time is from 6:00 PM to 12:00 PM.


✅ Bulky Waste Disposal Site

If you live in an apartment or officetel, there is a designated area for bulky waste. If you live in a detached house or villa, you can leave it in the vacant lot in front of your house.


✅ Should I stick the waste sticker?

It must be attached to be collected by the collection company. This is because if the waste sticker is not attached, the collection company will judge that payment has not been made.


✅ What if I can’t print because I don’t have a printer?

You just need to fill in the declaration certificate on a blank piece of paper and attach it to the bulky waste. Write the report number, item, discharge date and time on the paper and attach it.



What if large-sized waste is difficult to handle?
It is difficult to handle a large amount of bulky waste, including moving waste. We recommend that you ask for help in collecting waste from Elegant Clearance. Quickly check the estimated cost, service date and time below 👇