에너지 바우처 신청 방법 잔액 조회 방법 Find out how to check energy voucher balance and apply

에너지 바우처 신청 방법 잔액 조회 방법NewsNow

Home » How to check energy voucher balance and apply
The energy voucher is a system that provides “use rights” to the energy-vulnerable to purchase electricity, city gas, and briquettes.
Support is given to households that meet the characteristics of household members and income standards, and the amount of support is provided up to KRW 379.600 depending on the number of household members, etc.
The application period for 2023 is from May 31, 2023 to December 29, so please check your eligibility and apply before it is too late to receive support.
Eligible recipients are recipients of ‘medical benefit/livelihood benefit/education benefit/housing benefit’, which are income standards, and the recipient or household member must meet one of the household member characteristics criteria to apply.
However, please note that if all members of the household are recipients of guaranteed facilities, they are excluded from receiving support.
In addition, in the case of winter vouchers, support is not available if the beneficiary has received support for fuel expenses during the winter season according to the Emergency Welfare Support Act or if the household has issued a ’23 Kerosene Sharing Card’ or ’23 Briquette Coupon’.
The amount of support is divided into summer and winter, and is not paid in cash, but is supported by deduction of fare or National Happiness Card.
The amount of subsidy varies depending on the number of people in the household. In the case of a single-person household, the sum of summer and winter is KRW 149,800.
You can apply for energy vouchers for 2023 by visiting the Eup, Myeon, or Dong community center in your resident registration area between 23.5.31 and 22.12.29.
There is also an online application method through the Welfare Lo website, but if it is difficult to visit, please refer to the method and use it.

Time needed: 5 minutes.
You can apply for energy vouchers for 2023 by visiting the Eup, Myeon, or Dong community center in your resident registration area between 23.5.31 and 22.12.29. There is also an online application method through the Welfare Lo website, but if it is difficult to visit, please refer to the method and use it.
After accessing the site, select ‘Service Request’ from the frequently searched services.
Choose from simple authentication, financial certificate, or co-certificate to complete log-in.
Select Apply for Energy Voucher in Low Income Type and click ‘Save and Next’.
Follow the instructions to fill out and complete the energy voucher application.
If a household is selected after applying for an energy voucher, an amount suitable for the number of household members will be provided and can be used according to the purpose.
After using the energy voucher, you need to check how much is left in the middle. That’s because it can be planned.
Please note that you can inquire by entering your name, date of birth, and address on the ‘Energy Voucher Homepage>User Information>Balance Inquiry’.
Each voucher has a different usage period and method. Summer vouchers are deducted from fares from 23.7.1 to 23.9.30, winter vouchers are deducted from fares or National Happiness Cards from 23.10.11 to 24.4.30.
If the information has changed, such as moving or changing the number of household members, you must apply for a new application.
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에너지 바우처 신청 방법 잔액 조회 방법
