에버랜드 플랜잇 가격 및 예약방법 Everland Plan It price and reservation method

We will tell you about Everland Q-Pass (Plan It).


Everland honey tip! Is it necessary to make a smart reservation?

에버랜드 플랜잇

In my last post, I posted the recommended Everland course. For those who are visiting Everland for the first time, we will tell you about ‘smart reservation’, which is unfamiliar advice. Spending a little more money makes it easier and less stressful

에버랜드 플랜잇

Everland Q Pass (Plan It)
It was previously known as Everland Q-Pass, but is now called Plan-it on the website.

There are many people who do not know that the name has changed, so many people still refer to it as Q-Pass. There is no need to be confused as this is the same product as the Q Pass you used before.


The Q-Pass product (Plan It) is a product that allows you to use various models at Everland right away without waiting at the time you want. On weekends, you have to wait at least 60 minutes for each model, but the biggest advantage is that you can board right away without waiting.


Q Pass is sold for a limited time on a first-come, first-served basis, so we recommend making a reservation as it sells out quickly during peak seasons.

In particular, the popular models Safari and Lost Valley tend to sell out immediately on weekends.


1. How to purchase Q-Pass (How to purchase Planit)

Everland homepage->Click on the smart reservation tab->Click on the Everland screen->Choose one of the Plan-it products

The Smart Reservation tab is not visible at first, so I will add a shortcut link.

Go to smart reservation screen

Everland Resort – Smart Booking

Caribbean Bay closure information We look forward to seeing you with better service. (Refer to website for details)


2. How to make a reservation for Q-Pass (Plan It)

When you click on the Plan-it product and enter, the following screen will appear.

Reservation dates are opened every week. Since today is the 9th, reservations are available from the 10th of the next day to the 16th of next week.

Q-pass reservation screen
How to make a reservation
Select scheduled visit date -> Select product -> Select time and freely select time -> Reservation button now -> Payment


3. Plan-it product

You can pre-book the attraction you want and board it quickly. 3 is available in 3 types.

The number 5 after it means there are 5 possible products.


1) Difference between plan-it 3 and 5?

Plan-it 3: 1 time selection, 2 free times available. Amount: 27,000 won.
Plan-it 5: 2 time slots available for reservation, 3 free times available. Amount 40,000 won.

2) Plan-it time selection and free time product?

Select time and type: Safari World, Lost Valley, T-Express
Flexible time slots: Amazon Express, Hurricane, Thunder Falls, Magic Swing, Shooting Ghost, Royal Jubilee Carousel

3) Plan-it precautions?

Must be used after registering in the APP.
Ticket is a separate product.
Same-day reservations are not possible and sales may close early as they are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
This product is limited in quantity and no refunds or partial refunds are possible if you do not visit on the same day.
Can be used once per sheet.
Time selection is not available if you arrive outside of the time slot. Take your time! Must be observed.

4) How to use

When you enter, a QR code for a smart reservation ticket will appear on the Everland app.

For time-reservation products, you can board the bus by showing the corresponding QR code at the right time.

Free time products can be used freely whenever you want.


Q Pass honest review
I reserved a Q Pass for the day I was going, and once I made the reservation, I would receive a text message as shown below.

Planit product reservation confirmation details
Text content
I failed to make a smart reservation for valet parking, so I arrived at Everland after 10:30 and failed to stand in a smart line!


In the meantime, if I didn’t have QPass (Plan It)… I think I would have wasted a day waiting in line all day at Everland.

Fortunately, I was able to purchase the Q Pass product and ride the attraction leisurely.

Since I was traveling with a child, I walked around according to the route the child liked.


The best part was that I booked the safari on a time-selected schedule and was able to board first class.

What was surprisingly good about going first was that the plan product allowed me to sit in the seat I wanted first.

In the case of Safari World and Lost Valley, there are great seats, and being able to sit in popular seats was a big advantage.


At Safari World, the front row seats are great because you can see the animals through glass on three sides, and at Lost Valley, there are designated seats for feeding the giraffes, so you can see them intuitively.


If it’s not a Plan It product, there are many cases where you wait a long time to get in and sit in a place you don’t want to see.


And I was able to take pictures at photo spits throughout Everland and have a leisurely lunch.


As the waiting time was shortened, I was able to make a smart reservation and watch the Everland-exclusive musical that runs at 1 o’clock.


If you are tired of waiting at Everland or don’t like wasting time, spend a little more and have a more enjoyable Everland trip! I recommend it.