엘포인트 현금화 및 사용처 Where to cash out and use L Points

Today, I would like to share with you how to cash out and convert Lotte membership points, L Points.


엘포인트 현금화엘포인트 현금화

If you read the article to the end, you can transfer your L points to your account or convert them into other points such as Naver Pay or Smile Pay.
Some L Points may have an expiration date, so please cash them out in advance.


L-point cashing and point conversion

Cash out L Points and convert points

Check my L Points
How to convert L Points (feat. Naver Pay)
How to cash out L Points (feat. Digirocar app)
Check where L Point is used


1. Check my L Points
First, let’s check how many L points I have.

You can check it immediately after logging in to the LPoint website.


Go to My L Point Inquiry

Check L Point

1. Access the L Point website

2. Login (ID, Naver/Kakao, mobile phone number)
3. Check the points at the top left of the screen


Cash out L Points Check my L Points
You can log in with your ID, Naver, Kakao, or mobile phone number.
As shown in the picture above, you can check your points after logging in to Lpoint.


L.POINT expiration date
According to L Point Terms and Conditions as of September 2023, the point validity period is as follows.

Lotte Card points, recharge, gift certificate conversion, coin accumulation points: No expiration date (does not expire until used)
Event point validity period: Varies by affiliate
Other points: 5 years (60 months)
* Other points: L.POINT excluding some event points and points without expiration date
Points scheduled for expiration can be checked on the point inquiry screen mentioned above. (Touch my points to view details)


2. How to convert Lpoint
You can convert L Points to other points such as Naver Pay or Smile Pay.
If you would like to convert to frequently used points and use them together, please follow the steps below.


You can also convert points by simply logging in to the L Point website.


Go to My L Point Conversion

Convert L Points (Example: Convert to Naver Pay)

1. Access and log in to the L Point website
2. Touch the ‘Point Conversion’ item in the center of the screen

3. Select the ‘Export’ tab at the top

4. Enter L.POINT to switch

5. Touch the ‘Convert’ button

Convert Lpoint and send to Naver Point
Can be converted to Naver Pay points, Smile Pay, etc.
There is no Hana Money among the convertible points.
You can convert to Hana Money by installing and running the Hana Money app and selecting L Points from the ‘Point Conversion’ menu.


3. How to cash out L Points
In order to cash out L Points and transfer money to your account, you need to install the ‘Lotte Card Digirocar app’.


Conditions for cashing out L Points

Only LPOINT provided by Lotte Card can be cashed (cashbacked)
Deposits can only be made through Lotte Card payment accounts.
After installing the app through the link below, follow the steps to receive cashback to your Lotte Card payment account.


Go to Lotte Card app installation

1. Log in to run the Lotte Card app

2. Go to full menu

3. Select point cashback item

4. Select L.POINT cashback application

5. Enter the point to convert

6. Check the checkbox at the bottom and touch the apply button


Cash out L Points
Point cashback is relatively cumbersome

4. Check where L Point is used
Because point cashing (cashback) is relatively time-consuming and cumbersome,

If you have a small amount of points, it is a good idea to convert them to other points or use them directly at an L-Point redemption location.


You can check where you can use L Points through the link below and visit a nearby offline store or use your points online.


Check where L Point is used (online/offline)

Today we learned about how to cash out and convert L Points.

It’s good to accumulate points from various card companies and pay apps, but it’s also a burden because you don’t know where to use them.

We will continue to share various ways to use points and cash them out so that you can save a little on your living expenses!