연천 가볼만한 곳 Two places on the outskirts of our country, but world-famous! Part 2 Yeoncheon > Recommended travel destinations | Seongnam City Joy Nuri

연천 가볼만한 곳One of the oldest relics to visit overseas, Jeongok-ri Prehistoric Site

Jeongok Prehistoric Site and a place to learn about human evolution, Jeongok Prehistoric Museum
You can find such a beautiful waterfall in a place other than deep in the mountains? Jaein Falls
1. Access and passage (path, ramp, road condition, etc.): If you park in the plaza parking lot, which is the southernmost of the three parking lots in Jaein Falls Park, you can enjoy the view of Hantangang River on the barrier-free wooden deck path. There is a wooden deck path about 1km long from the plaza parking lot to Jaein Falls. If the weather is good for walking, it is recommended for wheelchair users. The other two parking lots are about 100m away from Jaein Falls and provide access to the barrier-free exploration path and Jaein Falls Swinging Bridge. As its name suggests, Jaein Falls Swinging Bridge sways and the middle of the bridge sags slightly downward. In the case of a manual wheelchair, there is no problem at all in entering the suspension bridge, but from the middle point, it is difficult to move to the other side of the suspension bridge without the help of a companion. 2. Parking lot and disabled restroom: There are a total of 3 parking lots in Jaein Falls Park. If you park in the disabled parking lot right in front of the entrance to Jaein Falls, you can go straight to the Jaein Falls side observation deck and the suspension bridge. There is also a disabled restroom in the disabled parking lot, but the door is not automatic, so it is difficult for wheelchair users to open it by themselves. There is a second parking lot for non-disabled people next to the disabled parking lot. If you use the plaza parking lot, which is about 1km away from Jaein Falls, you can follow the barrier-free trail to Jaein Falls while looking at the Hantangang Valley.

Tourist information

Travel information
Tourist attraction barrier-free information

Movement information

Food and accommodation information
※ The above information was written in October 2021 and may change in the future, so please be sure to check before traveling. ※ The Korea Tourism Organization holds the copyright to the text, photos, videos, and other information used in this article, so unauthorized use of the article is prohibited.

연천 가볼만한 곳
