우리은행 영업시간 및 ATM찾기 Woori Bank business hours and ATM finder

Woori Bank’s business hours are from 9 am to 4 pm. Banking hours are short and there are many people who find it difficult to do work while working, right? I heard that there is a Woori Bank (flexible branch) that is open on Sundays, so I recommend checking the location of the relevant branch and using it.

우리은행 영업시간

우리은행 영업시간


Check flexible stores









Woori Bank business hours

Woori Bank’s business hours are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please visit the nearest Woori Bank branch to reduce waiting time.



Check the nearest branch




However, since employees work in shifts during lunch time from 12:00 to 1:00 PM, it may be difficult to quickly process banking transactions. Also, please note that you must enter the bank by at least 3:30 PM to receive banking services.


Business hours: Weekdays 09:00 – 16:00 PM
Lunch time: Weekdays 12:00~13:00
Maintenance hours: Daily midnight 00:00 ~ 00:10 / Friday 00:00 ~ 00:40
Woori Bank business hours
Woori Bank branch nearest branch inquiry





Woori Bank ATM business hours

In fact, there are probably more cases where you cannot do banking at Woori Bank during weekdays. In the meantime, urgent banking business always arises, right?


When you’re in a hurry, try using functions such as transfers, deposits, and withdrawals using Woori Bank’s ATM.


Woori Bank ATM operating hours vary depending on the bank branch ATM, ATM outside the bank, and 365ATM, with 365ATM having the longest operating hours excluding the inspection time of about 40 minutes.




Woori Bank ATM location search




ATM located inside the bank branch: 9:00 ~ 16:00
Off-site ATM: 7:00 ~ 23:00
365 ATM: Open 24 hours a day. However, transactions are difficult due to the 10-minute inspection time from 23:55. 40 minute inspection on Friday.

Woori Bank business hours





ATM fees
Woori Bank’s ATM fee is 700 won between other banks and 500 won between Woori banks. If you withdraw cash outside of business hours, a fee of 1,000 won will be charged.


Internet banking: Free for bank transfer / 500 won per transfer to another bank (free for individuals and sole proprietorships, 500 won for corporations)
Telebanking: Free bank transfer / 500 won per transfer to another bank
Automated machine (ATM): Cash withdrawal between Woori Bank 500 won / Cash withdrawal between other banks 700 won during business hours / Cash withdrawal between other banks outside business hours 1,000 won / Account transfer between other banks during business hours 500~1000 won / Between other banks outside business hours Account transfer 750~1000 won
Claim transfer: Free between Woori Bank / Between other banks, 600 won for less than 100,000 won / 2,000 won for less than 1 million won / 3,000 won for more than 1 million won


ATM deposit/withdrawal limit
Woori Bank business hours
Woori Bank business hours
Woori Bank business hours
Woori Bank ATM

When using an ATM, Woori Bank says that the deposit/withdrawal limit is up to 150 cash items at a time. Account transfers are possible up to 30 million won per day, and 6 million won can be transferred each time.


However, if you have not used an account transfer in the past year, the limit once a day is 700,000 won, so your daily transaction history is also important.



Woori Bank Customer Center (Customer Square)
If you have various questions other than banking, such as how to issue OTP or documents to submit related to banking, we recommend that you contact the customer center before visiting the bank. Since the application is available 24 hours a day, it can be a good idea to use the customer center if you cannot visit the bank.