우편물 주소변경 One-click service for changing address and contact information ktmoving

우편물 주소변경Counseling phone number: 1588-6040
Weekdays 10:00~18:00, closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays

KT Co., Ltd.
90 Buljeong-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (Jeongja-dong)
Business registration number: 10281-42945
Mail order business report: 2002-Gyeonggi Seongnam-0048 business information confirmation
Customer Center: +100 from landline (without area code), +100 from mobile phone (area code)

Copyright © 2020 kt corp. All rights reserved.
Please enter the road name and building number accurately.
Please select the city/city/county/gu/eup/myeon/dong/road name and then enter the building number. (Example) 204, 204-1
Please select the city/city/county/gu/eup/myeon/dong and enter the street address correctly. (Example) 206, 930-39
Please select the city, city, county, district, town, village, and dong and then enter the building name. (Example: apartment name, building name)
Please enter the town/myeon/dong address (example) 200 Jeongja-dong, 2000 Namyang-ri, Namyang-eup

우편물 주소변경

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