의류수거함 위치 찾기 Find the location of the clothing collection box

When seasons change or children grow rapidly, the amount of clothing waste generated at home is enormous. Additionally, the prevalence of fast fashion makes it easy to buy clothes, wear them briefly, and then throw them away again, resulting in a record amount of clothing waste. In order to throw away old clothes that you don’t wear, the first step is to find out the location of used clothes collection boxes placed in each neighborhood. Let’s summarize the ways to search online.

의류수거함 위치

의류수거함 위치



Find the location of the used clothes collection box
1) District office website

Mapo-gu clothing collection box placement status menu
※ (Source) Mapo-gu Office website



The first way to find the location of a clothing collection box in your neighborhood is to check the district office website. Local governments assign numbers to each used clothes collection box and place them in various locations for environmental and welfare purposes.


And since we organize and update these on our website, anyone can check the maps and lists through the website. In many cases, each collection box management number, address, and map location of the clothing collection box within the building are indicated, so please search by neighborhood.






Gwanak-gu clothing collection box layout
※ (Source) Gwanak-gu Office website



Alternatively, you can call the website management department by phone to inquire, or contact the company in charge of clothing collection boxes in each area. Clothing collection boxes are often operated by unions made up of veterans, the disabled, etc. through contracts with local communities, or through separate recycling centers. However, there are also cases where several companies operate collection boxes within a single neighborhood due to zoning. Please contact the person in charge posted on the website.





2) Map road view
Road Bureau – Used clothes collection box found – screen
Road view screen


The second way to find the location of the used clothes collection box is to use the road view function of the map service. You can easily check the surrounding features by selecting the area around your house on the map and viewing it in road view. The location of the used clothes collection box is equally easy to find.


However, there must be a road wide enough for a vehicle to climb up, and road view filming is conducted approximately once a year, so please understand that the latest filming date and actual situation may not be reflected.





3) 120 Dasan Call Center
You can also use the 120 Civil Service Call Center, where you can quickly inquire about all news related to the neighborhood, such as finding the location of a used clothes collection box, how to dispose of trash, or contact information for the facility management department.


If you call the 120 number along with the area code or send a text message with a question, a professional counselor will check and answer your question. However, please note that since the 120 Dasan Call Center also collects and provides data such as Internet searches, it may be difficult to respond to districts that do not have information related to the location of eco-clothing bins posted on their websites.





Clothing items that can/cannot be used in recycling bins
Acceptable: Contaminated or undamaged clothing, two pairs of shoes, bags, blankets, curtains, etc.
Not allowed: soiled or damaged clothing, a single shoe, wheeled bags, bulky blankets, etc.
Lastly, let’s look at the collected items that can be placed in the used clothes collection box. Clothing that is not contaminated or damaged for recycling, matching shoes, backpacks or handbags, small and thin blankets, comforters, curtains, etc. can be collected and utilized.


However, clothing that is stained or covered in pet hair, slippers, mismatched shoes, thick blankets, wheeled carriers, market bags, dolls, cushions, etc. should not be placed in the clothing collection bin. This is because it is not recyclable. These items must be placed in a volume-rate bag and disposed of as general waste, or if they are large in volume, they must be declared and disposed of as bulky waste.





Thumbnail with title written in large letters
Find the location of the used clothes collection box
If you don’t live in an apartment, you may see it often, but when you need it, you often don’t remember where the old clothes collection box is. In this case, please use the methods introduced today to find the location of used clothes collection boxes in your neighborhood.


If the clothing box is full, you must place the clothing in another nearby clothing container. Leaving clothing next to the collection bin because it is full is considered illegal dumping and may result in a fine.