인스타 비공개 계정 How to make Instagram private and how to unlock your account

인스타 비공개 계정It would be good to know this because you will inevitably come across situations when using Instagram.

★ There are useful tips related to Instagram at the bottom of the article, so be sure to read them. It will be helpful.

It may be confusing, but Instagram has a feature called deactivation other than private. It’s not something we’ll cover today, but to briefly explain, deactivation is a feature that completely suspends your account. If you enable this, you will not be able to use any Instagram services and your account will not be searchable until you log in again. You can easily deactivate it using the method below, so check it out if you need it.
In the case of private, you can use most Instagram services by not revealing your account to all other users except those who are following you at the time of operation. You will understand more clearly if you look at the photos and text below.

The setup itself is very simple. On the My Profile home screen, press the three-line menu button at the top right and go to Settings.

If you go into personal information protection, the first menu is called Private Account. All you have to do is turn this on.

Then a confirmation window will appear. ‘Only your followers (currently) can view your photos and videos’, ‘Who can message you, tag you, or @mention you will not change’ Please read these carefully and press the switch to private button.

If you make it private like this, how will others see it?

If you and the other person are following each other, when the other person searches for your ID, the search will be successful, and when you visit my profile, all information will be exposed as before.

And I don’t even know who this person is, but people who have been following me since before going private can also search for me and see all the information in my feed. This result occurs because the non-disclosure condition is ‘you are following me’ rather than ‘I am following you’. If you switched to a private account because you wanted to make it visible only to people who are close to you, like the old Cyworld connection system, it might be a little embarrassing, right? In this case, it would be a good idea to do some additional work, but before that, let’s check to see if it’s actually not visible.

As an example, let’s assume that a stranger I just saw unfollowed me and tried it myself.

Then, you will see nothing along with the message that it is a private account in the desired format. When you press follow, it doesn’t happen right away, but it changes to requested.

A notification will appear on the account that someone wants to follow it. You must confirm here to be able to see your feed that has been changed to private.

If you look at the reaction section below under personal information protection, there are various items such as comments, posts, mentions, and stories. To make sure it is private, go into each item and set the permission or

You can set the range you want to show or receive features such as stories and replies. Before setting this up, the first thing you need to do is check the list of people who are following you, and find the ID that you don’t want these people to see your account that has been changed to private, and delete or block them, right?

The solution is simple. After turning off the option bar again, click the switch to public button below. Simple, right?

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We’ve collected various other Instagram tips. Please read the article and see if there is anything that may be helpful. This will be a good tip, especially for those who haven’t used Instagram much.

★ Collection of Instagram tips: For beginners

★ Collection of Instagram tips: Stories & Reels
★ Collection of Instagram tips: Account management
★ Collection of Instagram tips: DM
★ Collection of Instagram tips: Advanced
Instagram account private, Instagram account private

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