자전거도로의 구분 Where should the bike lanes be located?

자전거도로의 구분Where should the bike lanes be located?

by Urban Research Institute
2008. 11. 3. 11:21

1. We will increase bicycle roads in each local government. Interest in bicycles and infrastructure has increased a lot, saying that the transportation share of bicycles will be increased. However, laws and regulations on bicycles and basic regulations on infrastructure such as bicycle roads and bicycle parking lots are still lacking, and administrative departments often rely on their own discretion.
2. Let’s see the combined road
The first picture below is a method of putting a bicycle path and a sidewalk on the same level. The bicycle path is laid with red asphalt and the sidewalk is separated by paving sidewalk blocks.
Since half of the sidewalk (more than 1m) is occupied by drinking fountains, it is difficult for pedestrians to cross traffic between people if they only walk on the sidewalk. This configuration is largely divided into two types. As shown in the first figure below, there is a method of placing the bicycle path outside the sidewalk in the order of bicycle-sidewalk-carway, and a method of placing the bicycle path between the sidewalk and the roadway in order of sidewalk-bicycle-carway.
go. Bike – sidewalk – road in order
It was mainly used in housing development districts in Korea, and trees should be planted outside the roadway, but trees cannot be planted when there is a bicycle road with ascons. Since trees can be planted in the middle of the sidewalk, it is possible to construct a road without having a separate drinking fountain, which reduces project costs in many ways. The road below is a cross-section of a 35m road and does not include a drinking fountain separately, so by planting trees in the middle of the sidewalk, the bicycle road is 2m and the sidewalk is 2.5m, but in reality the bikeway is 2m, the sidewalk is 1.5m, and the drinking fountain is 1.0m. Pedestrians have no choice but to use the bicycle path as a sidewalk because it is difficult to pass on a sidewalk of only 1.5m. In addition, there is a high risk of accidents when these road structures are used in neighborhood living and commercial areas, because collisions with bicycles occur while the facility users coming out of the shopping malls approach the sidewalk.
me. sidewalk-bicycle-road
This method is more stable than the above method in terms of traffic, but it is not much different from the above method in that the bicycle road cannot function properly. Placing bicycles and sidewalks on the same level threatens the safety of pedestrians, and since bicycles are defined as vehicles under the law, cyclists are completely at a disadvantage in the event of an accident between a pedestrian and a bicycle.

3. Bicycle lanes
Bicycles are placed on the same level as the roadway and separated from the sidewalk to allow only bicycles to pass. While the safety aspect of pedestrians increases, cyclists face increased threats from vehicles. There is a method of installing bollards or guardrails to prevent vehicles from encroaching on bicycle roads, and cases where no safety facilities are installed can be found in overseas cases such as Europe, the United States, and China.

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자전거도로의 구분
