전기장판 버리는 법 Don’t worry about how to dispose of the electric pad.

After the cold winter is over, the electric blanket is put back in. At that time, the time comes when you throw away the electric pads that were so worn out that you had to use them only last winter. 전기장판 버리는 법


전기장판 버리는 법

When you’re about to throw it away, it’s bulky and mixed with many materials, so you’re probably wondering how to throw away the electric pad. So today, I’m going to learn more about how to dispose of an electric pad. There are important information on how to dispose of electric blankets below, so check it out! 1분전

How to dispose of an electric blanket


The way to dispose of the electric pad will be a little different depending on the size. It can be divided into cases of less than 1 meter, such as steamers or electric pads for one person, and cases of more than that.



How to dispose of steamers and electric pads for one person
In the case of a steamer or electric pad for one person, it is okay to throw it away in a 100-liter volume-based bag. In the case of less than 1 meter, electric pads are also classified as small appliances, so you can throw them away at the waste disposal site.



How to dispose of electric blankets for 2 or more people
In most cases, it is not a steamer or an electric pad for one person. In this case, it is a bulky electric blanket for more than two people. Let’s see how to throw away such a bulky electric pad.


How to dispose of electric pads may vary slightly depending on the region. Therefore, the most accurate method is to contact each local community center or ward office by phone.



There are some people who think that it would be okay to just attach a waste sticker and throw it away, but in some cases, it is collected for free.


In areas where free collection is not available, waste stickers are generally attached and discarded. Waste stickers are not burdensome at the price of about 3,000 won.


However, since waste stickers are purchased with money, please be aware that sometimes people without conscience take off these stickers and attach them to their own waste.



Today, we learned how to dispose of electric blankets. Not only electric pads, but generally bulky items are generally discarded after attaching waste stickers.


Please note that if you throw away without a waste sticker, you may be subject to a fine.