주유소 가격비교 및 근처 싼 주유소 찾기 Compare gas station prices and find nearby cheap gas stations

These days, as international oil prices rise sharply, the burden on consumers of fuel is increasing. I currently drive a 2000CC car every day and put in about 50,000 won worth of gas per week. In the past, you could commute to work by putting it in about 4 times a month, but now, due to skyrocketing gas prices, you have to put it in 1-2 times more to be able to drive.주유소 가격비교

주유소 가격비교


I know the economy is bad due to COVID-19, but fuel expenses are bound to be a burden. So these days, I use gas station price comparison sites every day to find cheaper gas stations. Prices vary slightly from gas station to gas station, but when you fill up a lot of oil, you can save more than 1 liter of fuel cost compared to other gas stations.

Today, I will tell you how to find a cheap gas station nearby through ‘Opinet’, a gas station price comparison site that I always use to reduce gas prices. You can access Officenet in two ways: PC and mobile. Since people often use smartphones when going out, we will focus on the mobile app.




■ What is Officenet?
Offinet, which was introduced and operated by the Korea National Oil Corporation in 2008, provides gas station information where the Korea National Oil Corporation collects and provides real-time sales prices of price information from gas stations across the country to ensure transaction transparency and stabilize consumer prices through research and disclosure of petroleum product prices. It’s a system.

In addition, it consists of quick menus such as ‘Find a cheap gas station’, so users can use it easily and conveniently. In particular, by comparing gas station prices, you can see at a glance the lowest price gas stations nearby, and you can intuitively compare prices by city and province compared to the national average.


■ How to find cheap gas stations on Offinet (mobile)
First, you need to install ‘Opinet’ on the smartphone you are using. Please search for ‘Opinet’ in the search bar of the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and install it.




After installation, click Open to see the main screen of the Offinet homepage. The Offinet app consists of six menus, and before running the menu, you must set basic settings by pressing the gear wheel in the upper right corner to find information on cheap gas station price comparisons. Please press Settings.

On the Offinet initial settings screen, select the fuel used (high-grade gasoline, diesel, lpg, kerosene), supplier, and radius setting km and click Save. The default settings are set, so you can click Save right away.




After pressing Save, when you return to the Offinet main screen, click on Gas Station Near Me from the 6 menus. You can search for gas stations near me based on the current location information of your smartphone.

After clicking on the gas station near me, you will be able to search for the lowest price compared to gas stations within 3km based on your initial default settings. I also live in Chuncheon, but the price of gasoline at the Chuncheon gas station is 1,664 won, so whenever I go nearby to fill up the lowest price, I make sure to put it in.^^



Next is gas stations by region. This is a search for gas stations by region that I use the most while commuting to work in other regions.

Just like the gas stations around you, gas stations in each region can be searched for gas station prices and lowest prices using your smartphone’s location information. You can save on gas by using Offinet, as there is a difference of more than 100 won between the lowest and highest prices at each gas station.





Lastly, there is a highway gas station. This is useful when you travel a lot with family or couples on the weekends. Please click on the highway gas station.

On the highway refueling screen, select the highway you are going to and from.

After clicking on the Namhae Expressway, I check the actual sales price in the order of the lowest price gas station in the direction of Busan → Suncheon.



Thank you for your effort Today, I told you how to find cheap gas stations nearby by comparing gas station prices. Did you find this helpful information helpful? If this is your first time using Officenet, I hope you can download it to your smartphone and save some money on fuel costs when commuting to work, leaving work, or traveling.