카톡 차단 확인방법 How to check for KakaoTalk blocking, if this is displayed, it is not blocked?

카톡 차단 확인방법hello.
KakaoTalk blocking can happen for a variety of reasons, including conflict between lovers, discord between friends, and quarrels between siblings.
Below, we will learn how to check for KakaoTalk blocking.

There are two types of KakaoTalk blocking.
– Block messages
– Block messages (profile private)

If you block messages (make your profile private), the money transfer button at the top right of your KakaoTalk profile disappears, so you can check it very accurately right away.

However, in the case of general message blocking, there is no way to completely check whether or not the message has been blocked.
In this case, the usual way to check is to delete the other person’s number, delete the friend from KakaoTalk, and check if it appears in the recommended friends list. (At this time, you must block -> delete rather than hide -> delete to appear in recommended friends)
However, if the other person turns off ‘Allow friend recommendations’ in the settings, the person will not appear in recommended friends regardless of whether or not they are blocked.

In other words, the bottom line is that there is no way to know for sure if the other person has blocked, hidden, or deleted a general message.

As seen above, there is no way to perfectly check whether someone has blocked you, but there is a way to completely know that the other person has not blocked you.

This is how to check if your birthday appears on the calendar.
If you go to the [More > Calendar] menu on KakaoTalk, your friends’ birthdays will appear.
There are exactly two cases where birthdays appear here:
(However, it takes some time to update the calendar. About 30 minutes to 4 hours)

Ultimately, in both cases, KakaoTalk messages are sent normally.

I wrote this post after seeing humor, such as sometimes using chat rooms with people who have been blocked on the Internet as a shopping cart list. It is also easy to confuse it with blocking. At least if your birthday appears on the calendar, the other person can receive the message, so I hope you don’t make a mistake.

Being blocked, hidden, or deleted can make you feel sad or hurt in any situation.
Even in difficult situations, I recommend taking the time to gather your thoughts and think calmly.
I hope everything goes well for you.

Oh, I hope you can resolve the blockage between siblings physically.

카톡 차단 확인방법

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