캐롯 여행자보험 Carrot Insurance joins hands with NHN Payco to provide discount on ‘Haewa Travel Insurance’ < Insurance < Economy < Text of article - News Journalism

캐롯 여행자보험Carrot Insurance announced on the 14th that it will join hands with NHN Payco to provide up to 30% discount on overseas travel insurance.

NHN Payco recently launched an all-in-one ‘Travel Pack’ with major financial companies such as insurance, banks, and credit cards to provide differentiated services to the rapidly increasing number of overseas travelers. Carrot has installed an overseas travel insurance product in its travel pack.

Carrot Non-life Insurance immediately provides a 20% discount on insurance premiums (up to 10,000 won) when customers sign up for Carrot Overseas Travel Insurance through the Travel Pack within the Payco mobile app. Additionally, an amount equivalent to 10% of the insurance premium is accumulated as Payco points (up to 5,000 points).

A Carrot official said, “We signed this partnership for customers who forgot to prepare travel insurance, which can be of great help in various incidents and accidents that may occur while traveling abroad, or who are hesitant due to the cost burden.” “We hope that more customers will be able to have happy and safe travel experiences through overseas travel insurance.”

Meanwhile, through overseas travel insurance, Carrot Insurance provides basic contract coverage for injury, death, and aftereffects during overseas travel, as well as damage to belongings (excluding loss), aircraft and baggage delay costs, serious accident rescue and repatriation costs, passport reissue costs after loss, and overseas travel insurance. Various coverages, including actual overseas medical expenses for injuries and diseases, will be covered under special contracts.

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