크린토피아 영업시간 Cleantopia business hours

Today, we will take a look at the business hours and closed days of Cleantopia.


Cleantopia is a coin laundry and laundromat famous for washing duvets and sneakers.

크린토피아 영업시간



A coin laundry is a type of laundry common in the West. It means a store that does laundry by inserting coins. 크린토피아 영업시간


In Korea, as the number of single- and two-person households increases, the number of stores like this is increasing. 좋은뉴스


Terror alert level

This is the Shinbundang Line route map, station intervals, and overall timetable.

Costco only accepts Amex cards.

From 1st place to 100th place on the karaoke popularity chart (2017 latest)



How to check Cleantopia business hours and closed days


How to check Cleantopia business hours and closed days


To search for Cleantopia’s business hours and days off, enter Cleantopia in the Naver search bar.


The address will then be displayed as shown in the image above.


Select the store locator menu under the Cleantopia address.



How to check Cleantopia business hours and closed days


Clicking the link takes you directly to the Cleantopia store locator page.


You can see the map appearing.




Choose the region you want.


Then, at the bottom of the same page, all Cleantopia stores in the selected area are listed.



How to check Cleantopia business hours and closed days


I randomly searched Songpa-gu, Seoul.


Along with the store name, address and contact information, you can find out whether they support additional services such as repair or pickup and delivery just by looking at the list.


Are there details on the far right?


Click on it for more detailed individual store information.



How to check Cleantopia business hours and closed days


This is a picture of choosing a store in Songpa-gu.


Below the contact information and address, the business hours and holiday information we were looking for are displayed.


It seems that the business hours of weekdays and Saturdays are displayed, and there is no mention of Sundays or holidays, so it seems that they are designated as closed days and days off.




This time, we looked at the business hours of Cleantopia and how to look up closed days.


Smog continues to flow in from China, so please pay attention to your respiratory health at this time.