하이패스 미납요금 조회 및 납부 Hi-Pass unpaid fee inquiry and payment

Sometimes, while driving on the highway, I pass through a high-pass section, and suddenly the fare is not processed properly. You may have been surprised to hear that voice. This means that the highway Hi-Pass fee was not paid properly due to various reasons, such as errors in the Hi-Pass terminal and situations where the terminal name was not transferred or registered. In this case, we will take the time to find out how to inquire and pay Hi-Pass unpaid fees.

하이패스 미납요금

하이패스 미납요금

First of all, I had to take the highway today for work, and as usual, I inserted my postpaid Hi-Pass transportation card into the Hi-Pass terminal and it said, ‘The card has been recognized.’ I started driving after hearing the normal message on the terminal. However, when entering the highway, I heard a voice saying that it was not recognized by the high-pass barricade, and when leaving the highway and passing the high-pass barricade, I also heard a message that it was not processed properly.

Reasons why Postpaid Hi-Pass is not recognized
Below are the various reasons why Postpaid Hi-Pass is not recognized. In my case, it is because I purchased a used car and used the terminal attached to the used car, and at some point, the previous owner changed the terminal’s name.

Hi-pass terminal failure (low battery, etc.)
When the front tinting of the vehicle is too dark (communication problems, etc.)
Problem with the location of the Hi-Pass terminal (the location of the terminal attached to the windshield is difficult to recognize)
If you have successfully used the Hi-Pass terminal attached to a used car, but the previous owner has changed the name (you need to register the terminal in your own name)


Most people purchase a used car and use the Hi-Pass terminal attached to the used car, but you must change the name or register a new terminal.

How to check and pay Hi-Pass unpaid charges


For various reasons, if your Hi-Pass postpaid transportation card, which is a highway toll fee, is not recognized and you used the highway, you must check and pay the unpaid amount. The reason is that if it accumulates later, you may be subject to a fine of 10 times more.


In the past, if the payment was not made properly when passing the Hi-Pass, a text message was sent by phone or text asking where to transfer the unpaid toll to an account, but these days, it seems that they do not send such text messages kindly.


Therefore, you must personally check and pay the Hi-Pass unpaid balance using the method below.

1. Enter the highway toll website
Click below to enter the ‘Highway Toll Homepage’ and enter your vehicle number.



Check Hi-Pass unpaid fees



2. Verify your identity as a non-member
Verify your non-member status using i-PIN authentication or mobile phone authentication as shown below. If you are already a member, please log in as a member.


3. Non-member unpaid toll inquiry
Once identity verification is complete, you will be taken to the non-member unpaid toll inquiry page as shown below. The page for inquiry and payment is on the left, and the tab on the right is for checking payment details. Go to Inquiry and Payment on the left.

Then, I can check the number and amount of unpaid highway tolls as shown below, and I am informed that payment can be made using various methods such as Kakao Pay, credit cards, and postpaid cards. I chose a credit card.


4. Payment of unpaid tolls
When you select a payment method, you can check the status of unpaid tolls for each case as shown below. You can also check detailed information such as reason for non-payment, entrance office, exit office, date and time of non-payment, unpaid amount, and payment method.


Click on the relevant non-payment details and click Pay.



5. Payment results
Once payment is complete, the payment completion message will appear as shown below, allowing you to check the payment result and approval details.



How to change room mirror terminal information




How to change the name of the room mirror terminal



Highway toll website consultation
Customer Center: 1588-2504

Chatbot consultation:


Chatbot consultation



We learned about how to check unpaid highway tolls and how to pay them. Of course, if there are unpaid fees, you must pay them, but the best way is to make Hi-Pass well recognized to avoid unpaid fees. Next time, I will post about how to register a Hi-Pass terminal when acquiring a used car.