한전 에너지캐시백 신청방법 KEPCO Energy Cash Back Application

한전 에너지캐시백 신청방법Below, we will take a closer look at how to claim cashback.

KEPCO Energy Cash Back applicants must be able to confirm that they live in the address of application, and can apply if they can confirm the amount of power used for at least one year out of the two years immediately preceding the time of application. Application is excluded in the following cases.

To apply for KEPCO Energy Cashback, you can search for KEPCO Energy Cashback online and connect to KEPCO to apply at any time. You can also contact the KEPCO Customer Center (☎123) over the phone to receive the application route via text message.
There are two standards for KEPCO Energy cashback payment: basic cashback and differential cashback.

basic cashback
When the reduction rate is higher than the average reduction rate of participants in the same region and the minimum reduction rate is 3% or higher, 30 won per 1KW of savings is paid. (The maximum reduction rate is limited to 30%, and the excess is not paid.)

Differential Cashback
Regardless of the average savings rate of participants in the same region, a difference of 30 to 70 won per 1KW per section within 5% or more and 30% of the savings rate

The KEPCO energy cashback application price is applied from the month in which the application date falls, and the cashback is paid by calculating the amount of power used and reduction rate each month and deducting it from the next month’s electricity bill. As a caution, the address must not change during the cashback calculation period, and those who do not actually live cannot receive cashback.
Above, we learned about how to apply for KEPCO Energy Cashback and how to pay.

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한전 에너지캐시백 신청방법
