헬로모바일 단점 Hello Mobile plan review

Hello Mobile was operated as CJ Hello Mobile and changed to LG Hello Mobile when LG took over the division from CJ.


For this reason, Hello Mobile has the advantage of being able to use all of the SKT/KT/LGU networks a little differently from other affordable phones because the existing network rental method remains, and you can subscribe according to your favorite rate plan. 헬로모바일 단점

헬로모바일 단점


For example, U+ Affordable Mobile uses only the LG U+ network, so if consumers do not have the right to choose a network, Hello Mobile not only allows them to choose a rate plan, but also selects and subscribes to KT/SKT/LG networks that are popular in their area. (However, since there is a difference in rent for each telecommunications network, the price of the rate plan varies slightly.) 비지니스헬퍼


Join Hello Mobile

There are no off-line stores because the affordable phone is a product that has lowered the price of the rate plan without bubbles. Therefore, it is also true that there is a hassle of having to register or port the number yourself. It would be easy to think of it as the principle that you have to sell your feet to use things cheaply.


It may seem difficult at first, but most of the cheap phone subscription methods are the same, but it is easy to think in three simple steps.


1. Seek the mind.

2. Fill out and sign up for an application form on the Affordable Phone website.

3. When the opening is complete, replace the SIM and use it.



It is largely divided into three steps as above, and in the case of USIM, if you apply on the affordable phone homepage you want to sign up for and pay the USIM value, it will be delivered to your home within one day. If you follow the instructions, you can complete the setup within 30 minutes, so if you follow it step by step, you can sign up without difficulty.


Hello Mobile plan


If you look at the three most commonly used rate plans, unlimited wired and wireless calls are provided as standard for all LTE networks, and only the amount of data differs from 1.3G, 4.5G, and 11G per month. In the case of the 11G rate plan, 2G of additional data per day is provided, providing an option that can be used almost unlimitedly during actual use.


These plans are for use with the LTE network, and each plan is priced at KRW 8,500 (1.3G), KRW 16,600 (4.5G), and KRW 33,000 (11G). In fact, I think you can think that not only Hello Mobile, but most budget phone plan plans have a rate plan similar to the above and the level is similar.


Hello Mobile actual user reviews
1. Is the price really cheap?


I am using a rate plan of 33,000 won, but if I use it for 1 year, the amount paid for communication expenses is only 33,000 won X 12 months = 396,000 won. Even if it is worse than when using the same rate plan of the three existing telecommunications companies, SKT, KT, and LG U+, it was possible to save about 50% of the expenditure. In addition, it can be used by applying a payment card charge discount here. Depending on the person’s usage performance, the monthly billing amount can be reduced from as little as 5,000 to as much as 20,000 won, so there is room for lowering the usage fee.


2. Does it explode well?


In fact, I have never felt a difference while using it because I use the network of the three telecommunication companies as it is. For example, when using a KT network budget phone, if the cell phone does not work in a certain area, it is not because it is a budget phone and does not work. I’ve never experienced a case where it doesn’t explode because it’s an affordable phone. It didn’t make much of a difference, with both phone and data the same.


3. Advantages?

First of all, I would like to talk about the low price plan and the lack of contracts. Because there is no contract for a cheap phone, when a mobile phone you like comes out or you want to sign up for a new carrier, you can not only move your number or change your device at any time, but even cancel it at any time, so you can get out of the bondage of these contracts. I think that being there is one of the biggest advantages.


4. What are the downsides?

As for budget phones, I mentioned it before, but there are no offline stores, and the customer center is not as easy to respond to as compared to the three main telecommunication companies. Therefore, when you want to sign up, change your rate plan, or check your status, it can be difficult for those who are unfamiliar with using a computer or mobile phone. The ARS customer center is also operated by most affordable phone companies, but it is small and has the disadvantage of long waiting times.







Even if there are people who have never used a budget phone, there is no one who has only used it once!


In a way, the above statement may be correct. The downside of the budget phone is that it is not easy to access at first, but after using it once, the customer satisfaction is high, so the possibility of reuse is high.


I also had many twists and turns when I first signed up, but after opening it, I have been using the affordable phone for more than 3 years without much difficulty. I conclude this article by thinking that it may be one of the good technologies that can alleviate the burden of household spending even a little bit these days, when the line usage rate of smartphones is increasing beyond one-person phones such as sub phones, filial piety phones, and children’s phones.