현대해상 고객센터 및 전화번호 Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Customer Center and phone number

This is information on Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance’s customer support team, branches, and HiCar Plaza’s call center. Contract management service and certificate issuance service are available on weekdays from 09:00 to 17:00. Inquiries about refund payments and loan applications are available between 09:00 and 15:30 on weekdays.

현대해상 고객센터

현대해상 고객센터

Find a Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance branch
On the Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance website, you can find branches, customer support teams, and HiCar Plaza in each region, including Busan, Seoul, Gyeongju, Cheongju, Ansan, Anyang, Suwon, Hwaseong, Yongin, Jeonju, Cheonan, Daegu, Ulsan, and Pohang.


local lookup
You can do a local search like this. You can check the customer support team and branches in your area. Click Detailed Inquiry to check phone number, address and location, fax number, and available hours.

Hyundai Marine & Fire Call Center phone number and operating hours
Hyundai Marine & Fire Call Center Phone Number
Hyundai Marine & Fire’s call center phone number is ‘1588-5656’. This is the representative number. When calling from overseas, you can dial ’82-2-732-5656′.


ARS menu number
ARS menu number

This is information on weekday ARS menu numbers. When you call the Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Call Center main phone number, an ARS voice guidance message appears. Breakdown call is number 1, accident report is number 2, and insurance claim is number 3.


Weekend ARS Number
On weekends, call number 3 for inquiries about special contracts for short-term drivers, call number 4 for subscription consultations, call number 5 for insurance contract loan-related inquiries, and call 6 for issuance of securities and certificates.


Other ARS phone numbers and operating hours
Other ARS phone numbers and operating hours
Other ARS phone numbers and operating hours 2
This is the call center phone number for each service, including direct car insurance, cross-selling consultation, bancassurance, home shopping and TM, and children’s insurance. Please note.