고등학교 생활기록부 발급 Issuance of high school life record

Today, we will discuss how to issue a high school life record.

Let me explain about it.

Employment after graduating from school

High school transcripts for various reasons

There may be cases where it is necessary. 고등학교 생활기록부 발급


고등학교 생활기록부 발급

The high school transcript is the student’s 좋은뉴스

Personal information, attendance information, academic records, etc.

It is a document containing the contents of school life.


These high school transcripts

I used to go to the school I graduated from.

I used to get the issuance, but now it’s online

High school transcripts can be issued online.

Today I am using the internet at home.

How to issue a high school life record

Let me summarize about it.


First, for the issuance of the high school life record online

Please access the “Nice” site.

If you search on Naver, you will find it right away.


If you go to the Nice site

You will see a home page similar to the one above.

There are various menus in the main menu.

Please click [Home Edu Civil Service].


Then, the selection screen for the city and district office of education appears.

The school you graduated from

Please select your school district.


Then the school district website will appear.

I went to the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education.

How to issue a high school life record is simple.

If you look at the new website main page

There is a menu called [Online Issuance Application].

If you look there, you will find [School Life Records].

Just press it.


There is one guide.

School life records since 2003

This is only available from graduates.

Those who have previously graduated from the nearest school district

Visit the Office of Education Support and each level of school

This is what you need to get issued.


Graduates after 2003

Click [OK] to proceed to the next

A page will appear asking you to log in.

For online issuance of high school transcripts

A login is required to verify your identity.

After logging in, the applicant’s name and resident registration number,

Please fill in your contact information and proceed with the issuance.

In the next step, for security reasons, capture is not possible.

Separate images were not prepared.



Above, how to issue a high school life record

I explained about it.

Anyone can easily access the Nice site

You will be able to obtain an online issuance of high school transcripts.