고용유지지원금 Information on employment maintenance subsidies for workers on unpaid leave < Economy < Seoul Metropolitan Government

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Confirmation documents
Issuance website
Double supply and demand preliminary confirmation
Seoul city and autonomous district website

payment account
Copy of employee bankbook

Allow family when delegating
Double/fraud inspection
Personal and corporate information processing consent form
Seoul city and autonomous district website

< Required documents >
Confirmation documents
Issuance website
Employment insurance subscription period
List of employment insurance business acquirers
Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service total service for employment and industrial accidents

Less than 50 people
Business location
Business Registration
National Tax Service Hometax
Seoul area
Nonprofit, public institution
23Excluded industries
Check business status

< Separate submission documents if necessary >
Confirmation documents
Issuance website
dispatched worker
employment contract
Labor contract company
Enter your actual place of work
Closed workplace
Certificate of Employment
actual company
Enter your actual place of work
Dispatch and longitudinal business sites
Check for less than 50 people
List of actual workers, employment insurance business acquirers, official documents confirming the number of employees at each branch, etc.
Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service’s employment and industrial accident total service, actual employee company personnel system, etc.

Excluded industries
Selection of main industry
(based on sales)
Standard financial statement certification, value-added tax return, workplace status report,
National Tax Service Hometax
Selection of main industry
(If the top 3 documents cannot be submitted)
Main industry business facts (Attachment 4)
Seoul city and autonomous district website
Seoul city and autonomous district website

Family Relations
(when delegated)
Family Relations Certificate
Electronic family relationship registration system
Check family relationship
※ Delegation: Only family members within the family relationship certificate can be delegated the account for receiving support (Form 3. Bring power of attorney)

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