교직원공제회 The-K Focus 1 – The-K Magazine (The K Magazine) 202301 Vol.65

교직원공제회Subscription application/change/cancellation
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※ Push notifications are provided only in the app.

We are promoting the expansion of welfare assistance systems and cultural and living welfare service benefits that take into account the life cycle of our members.
Various welfare assistance systems will be reorganized, and the amount of survivors’ benefits, sickness benefits, and death and disability benefits will be expanded compared to the previous year.
Following the strengthening of the free legal and tax member counseling center, a new labor counseling center is being established. In addition, the expansion of The-K Huestay affiliated accommodations and
More members can benefit from room fee support, purchase of new condo membership vouchers, and improvement of cultural welfare services.
We plan to ensure that you can enjoy universal welfare benefits.

We are pursuing a project to build a new mobile app (APP) and reorganize the PC and mobile homepages.
The goal is to configure menus that are easy for users to understand, improve the convenience of online financial services, and expand processing tasks.
The service is scheduled to launch in the fourth quarter of 2023.

To expand member convenience, tablet monitors will be installed in 15 counseling rooms and 45 counseling counters nationwide starting in the second half of 2023.
We are preparing to introduce a paperless system through ID scanners, etc.
By converting the paper documents related to subscription and billing you fill out during your visit to electronic documents, you can reduce the number of signatures using the bulk signature function.
Minimize and enhance security. In addition, the amount of paper used when filling out documents is significantly reduced, improving ESG management.
I will contribute.

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07328 50 Yeouinaru-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul (Yeouido-dong 35-3)

