국가 자격증 종류 Summary of qualification types (national professional qualifications, national technical qualifications, registered private qualifications,

Certification types and systems
Depending on the entity that manages and operates the certificate, the types of certificates are largely divided into ① national certificates managed and operated by the government (Republic of Korea), ② private certificates managed and operated by private entities other than the state, and ③ foreign certificates managed and operated by foreign countries or foreign private organizations. It can be classified into three categories:


Certification type

③ Most foreign certifications can be acquired by taking an exam in a country that conducts certification exams, such as the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), which requires an exam in the U.S., but the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) in the U.S. There are also certifications such as the UK’s CDCS (Certificate for Documentary Credit Specialist) that can be obtained by taking a qualification test in Korea.


Domestic qualifications framework
According to the Framework Act on Qualifications, qualifications managed and operated in Korea are classified into ① national qualifications and ② private qualifications.


A national qualification is a certificate for which an administrative agency such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare or the Ministry of Employment and Labor conducts a qualification test and issues a certificate, while a private certificate is a certificate for which an individual, corporation, or organization other than the state creates, manages, and operates the certificate.


Framework Act on Qualifications
Article 2 (Definition) The definitions of terms used in this Act are as follows.
4. “National qualification” refers to a qualification newly established and managed and operated by the state in accordance with laws and regulations.
5. “Private qualification” refers to a qualification newly established, managed and operated by a person other than the state.

National Certification Type
National qualifications are further divided into ⓐnational technical qualifications and ⓑnational professional qualifications. ⓐNational technical qualification refers to a qualification implemented in accordance with the National Technical Qualifications Act, and ⓑNational professional qualification refers to a qualification implemented in accordance with individual laws, such as the certified public accountant qualification implemented in accordance with the Certified Public Accountant Act.


National Technical Qualifications Act
Article 2 (Definition) The meanings of terms used in this Act are as follows.
1. “National technical qualification” refers to qualifications in the fields of technology, skills, and services related to industry among the national qualifications under the Framework Act on Qualifications.

ⓐ Types of national technical qualifications
Among national qualifications, the national technical qualification, which is a qualification in the technology, function, and service fields related to the industry, is determined by the type (item) of the qualification depending on the job field and grade.


National Technical Qualifications Act
Article 2 (Definition) The meanings of terms used in this Act are as follows.
2. “Grade of national technical qualification” refers to the level of national technical qualification granted differentially according to the level of job performance ability possessed by technical personnel.
3. “Job fields of national technical qualifications” refers to the classification of national technical qualifications according to the content of job performance capabilities required in industrial sites, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
4. “Items of national technical qualification” refers to the classification of national technical qualification levels by occupation and is the basic unit of national technical qualification acquisition.

The national technical certification job fields, which were revised on August 25, 2021 and implemented in 2022, are largely divided into 26 fields (61 heavy duty fields), and the grades in the technical and functional fields are engineer, technician, industrial engineer, Technicians are divided into five levels, and the service sector is either single grade or divided into grades 1, 2, and 3.


For example, there are 16 certificates in the electrical field, which are technical and functional qualifications, depending on the grade (building electrical equipment engineer, dispatch and distribution engineer, electrician, electrician, electrical industrial engineer, electrical technician, electrical construction engineer, electrical construction industrial engineer). , Electrical Application Technician, Electric Railway Engineer, Electric Railway Engineer, Electric Railway Industrial Engineer, Railway Signal Technician, Railway Signal Engineer, Railway Signal Industrial Engineer, Railway Electrical Signal Technician).


Job field, middle job field, qualification level
Engineer Technician Technician Industrial Engineer Mechanical Engineer
Electrical/Electronic Electrical Building Electrical Equipment
Shipping and distribution
electricity electricity electricity electricity
Electrical work Electrical work
electrical application
Electric Railway   Electric Railway Electric Railway
Railroad signal   Railroad signal Railroad signal
railway electric signal

There are 25 certifications in the management, accounting, and office fields (Social Research Analyst Level 1, Social Research Analyst Level 2, Consumer Professional Counselor Level 1, Consumer Professional Counselor Level 2, Convention Planner Level 1, Convention Planner Level 2, and Computer Science). Accounting Administrator Level 1, Computerized Accounting Operator Level 2, Computerized Accounting Operator Level 3, Secretary Level 1, Secretary Level 2, Secretary Level 3, Word Processor, Computer Literacy Level 1, Computer Literacy Level 2, Korean Shorthand Level 1, Hangul This is level 2 shorthand, level 3 Korean shorthand).


Job field mid-job field grade
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Single level



Social Research Analyst Social Research Analyst
Consumer Professional Counselor Consumer Professional Counselor
Convention planning company Convention planning company
Accounting Computerized accounting operator Computerized accounting operator Computerized accounting operator


secretary secretary secretary
word processor
Computer literacy Computer literacy
Korean shorthand Korean shorthand Korean shorthand

According to these job fields and grades, there are a total of 544 types (items) of national technical certifications that were revised on August 25, 2021 and will be implemented from 2022. Please see the post below for detailed information on the types of national technical certifications.

국가 자격증 종류

Summary of national technical qualification types

Types of national technical qualifications (+ types of technical qualifications, service qualifications)

Types of National Technical Qualifications National technical qualifications are qualifications in the fields of technology, skills, and services related to industry among the national qualifications newly established, managed, and operated by the government. Depending on the level of national technical qualification and job field


Most national technical certifications are managed by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, an organization under the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and qualification test information can be found on the Human Resources Development Service of Korea’s Qnet site.

국가 자격증 종류

ⓑTypes of national professional qualifications
There are various types of national professional certifications, as shown in the table below, depending on the relevant ministry. Most relevant ministries entrust certification management and operation work to other organizations, such as affiliated organizations or related associations.


The Human Resources Development Service of Korea is conducting national professional qualification tests for 37 categories (106 detailed categories), including tax accountants, customs brokers, and certified labor attorneys. For detailed certification information, please refer to the Human Resources Development Service of Korea’s Qnet site and individual implementing agencies.


National professional certification from the relevant ministry
Implemented by Human Resources Development Service of Korea Implemented by other organizations
Ministry of Health and Welfare · Social Worker Level 1 · Nurse
· Nursing assistant
· Physical therapist
· Radiographer
· Health educator
· Health and medical information manager
· Childcare teacher
· Bachelor of Assistive Technology
· Optometrist
· Masseur
· Chemist
· Language rehabilitator
· Nutritionist
· Nursing care worker
· Hygienist
· Emergency medical technician
· doctor
· Prosthetic device technician
· Clinical pathologist
· Occupational therapist
· Funeral director
· Disabled rehabilitation counselor
· Mental health nurse
· Mental health social worker
· Mental health clinical psychologist
· Midwife
· Dental technician
· Dental Hygienist
· Dentist
· Oriental pharmacist
· Herbal medicine dispenser
· Oriental medicine doctor
Ministry of Environment · Water Purification Facility Operation Manager Grade 1 · Social and Environmental Education Instructor Grade 2
· Water purification facility operation manager level 2 · Social and environmental education instructor level 3
· Water purification facility operation manager level 3 · Environmental impact assessor
· Environmental measurement analyst
Ministry of Employment and Labor · Certified labor attorney · Vocational competency development training teacher
· Occupational health instructor (industrial hygiene engineering)
· Occupational health instructor (occupational environmental medicine)
· Industrial safety instructor (construction safety)
· Industrial safety instructor (machine safety)
· Industrial safety instructor (electrical safety)
· Industrial safety instructor (chemical safety)
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries · Appraiser · High-speed rescue boat pilot
· Surveyor · Lifeboat pilot
· Inspector · Driver
· Pilot
· Small ship pilot
· Surface flight ship pilot
· Fishery disease manager
· Operating company
· news agency
· Navigator
Ministry of SMEs and Startups  · Management Instructor (Marketing)
· Management instructor (production management)
· Management instructor (human resource management)
· Management instructor (financial management)
· Technical instructor (metal)
· Technical instructor (mechanical)
· Technology instructor (biotechnology)
· Technical instructor (production management)
· Technical instructor (textile)
· Technical instructor (electrical and electronics)
· Technical instructor (information processing)
· Technical instructor (chemical engineering)
· Technical instructor (environment)
National Police Agency, Mechanical Security Instructor, Automobile Driving Skills Tester
· General security instructor · Car driver’s license
· Car driving instructor
Fair Trade Commission · Affiliates
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism · Tourist interpretation guide (German) · Level 1 lifestyle sports instructor
· Tourist interpretation guide (Russian) · Level 1 sports instructor for the disabled
· Tourist interpretation guide (Malay/Indonesian) · Level 1 professional sports instructor
· Tourist interpretation guide (Vietnamese) · Level 2 lifestyle sports instructor
· Tourist interpretation guide (French) · Level 2 disabled sports instructor
· Tourist interpretation guide (Spanish) · Level 2 professional sports instructor
· Tourist interpretation guide (Arabic) · Health exercise manager
· Tourist interpretation guide (English) · Race referee
· Tourist interpretation guide (Italian) · Senior sports instructor
· Tourist interpretation guide (Japanese) · Stage arts specialist
· Tourist interpretation guide (Chinese) · Culture and arts educator
· Tourist interpretation guide (Thai) · Librarian
· Domestic travel guide · Youth sports instructor
· Associate curator of museums and art galleries
· Korean Language Education Proficiency Test
· Hotel management
· Hotel manager
· Hotel service company
Cultural Heritage Administration · Cultural heritage repair technician (masonry masonry)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (main carpenter)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (plater)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (fixer)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (pattern)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (wood carver)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (taxidermy and specimen maker)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (beonwagong)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (preservation worker)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (stone carver)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (cleaner)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (joint carpenter)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (plant protection worker)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (assistant actual measurement designer)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (stonemason)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (Ondol worker)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (manufacturer)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (landscape engineer)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (hardware worker)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (paint worker)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (repairer)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (Korean food plasterer)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (chemical engineering)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (fumigation worker)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (Dancheong)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (maintenance)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (conservation science)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (plant protection)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (actual measurement design)
· Cultural heritage repair technician (landscaping)