귀리 효능 There are no side effects of oat efficacy~


귀리 효능
귀리 효능

Were you happy with the benefits and side effects of oats? First of all, oats come from Central Asia, and now Western consumption exceeds Asian consumption. In Korea, there are not many people looking for it because of its rough texture, but Time magazine in the United States has started to attract attention by selecting oats as one of the top 10 super foods. As oat efficacy is widely known, domestic consumption and production are also increasing.

귀리 효능

Oats are heavily produced in Russia; oats are mainly used for rice blends, grain flour, oatmeal and sweets, oat bread, animal feed, etc. Oatmeal, which is mainly eaten in the West, is a food made from porridge that is roasted and crushed roughly or flattened. Oat efficacy and nutrients

There are no side effects of oat efficacy~

Oats are popular because they are low in calories and carbohydrates, but high in protein, which is good for dieting. Oats contain carbohydrates (21.7%), protein (14.3%), fats, minerals and vitamins. The protein in oats is about twice that of rice and contains a large amount of essential amino acids such as lysine.

Oats are rich in water-soluble fibers, reducing cholesterol, and antioxidants such as polyphenols to prevent cardiovascular disease, which helps prevent adult diseases. In addition, the beta-glucan component of oats is effective in dieting because it has the effect of eliminating internal stools and discharging intestinal wastes.

Oats containing more than four times the amount of calcium in brown rice are nutritional foods that help children grow and develop. Let’s look at the benefits of oats below.
1. Improve liver function
Oats have the effect of cleansing the blood because the ingredient called ‘beta-glucan’ in oats cleanses blood cholesterol and releases bile from the liver out of the body. Originally, bile is used as a digestive enzyme and then relocated to the liver and reabsorbed. Beta-glucan is absorbed and excreted before being reabsorbed in the liver, which can reduce the burden on the liver. When oats are consumed, bile excretion becomes very active and other cholesterol stored in the body is used to make new bile.

2. Breast cancer prevention
Studies of oats have shown that if you continue to eat fiber-rich grains, you can reduce your risk of breast cancer, which can be cured even if you find it early. Women who continue to eat fiber-rich foods during adolescence and early adulthood are at a lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who do not practice, so frequent consumption of oats is a great help to prevent breast cancer.

3. Asthma prevention

There are no side effects of oat efficacy~

Oats are particularly good for people suffering from bronchitis and cough.Recent studies have shown that oats can help prevent asthma, strengthen the lining of the stomach and intestines, and control healthy blood sugar levels. Feeding oats to infants six months before birth can reduce the risk of asthma in infancy. In particular, eating oatmeal with fish has been shown to reduce the risk of asthma by 50% and reduce the risk of narrowing the bronchial respiratory tract by 80%.

4. Anti-cancer effect
Oats potency contains phytoestrogens and lignans, which are essential ingredients to prevent hormone-related cancers; the beta-glucan component of oats helps prevent cancer because it improves immune function and inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells. Unsaturated fatty acids in oats are effective in reducing cholesterol in blood vessels and are also good for cardiovascular disease.

5. Cholesterol control
Oat potency has a number of characteristics, the most famous of which is that it is rich in fiber and free of cholesterol, so it is usually beneficial for vascular health, but especially for those with high cholesterol. Regular consumption of oats can have a very good effect on cardiovascular health, as oat efficacy is also beneficial for blood pressure levels.

6. Prevention of constipation
The dietary fiber of oats is higher than other grains, and the dietary fiber content of brown rice is 3.29, while that of oats is about 24.1, which is seven to eight times higher than that of brown rice. Higher dietary fiber means better bowel movements in the body. Frequent consumption of oats by constipated people can alleviate symptoms, especially constipation after pregnancy.

7. Blood sugar control
Oats potency is also good for diabetics, who should always be on the lookout for elevated blood sugar and thus control their blood sugar levels. Because oats are undoubtedly one of the most important whole grains, whole grain oats increase blood sugar at a slower rate than high-fiber white rice, even with high carbohydrate content, to help control blood sugar.

8. Improve indigestion

There are no side effects of oat efficacy~

Oats are said to have a lot of water-soluble fiber that helps digestion. In fact, because it contains a lot of fiber, it can treat constipation as well as eliminate bowel movements and promote bowel movements.

The reason oats are so popular is their diet: the oatmeal diet once became a hot issue for the diet, and the core of the oat diet is to maintain fullness, fill the stomach, and reduce hunger. Frequent consumption of oats not only helps to lower body mass index, but is also high in vitamins, amino acids, beta-glucans, or protein, so frequent consumption can reduce appetite. Therefore, oat protein is about 14.3%, twice as much as rice, so oat fiber is effective in high blood sugar diet due to carbohydrate intake.

10. antioxidant effect
Oats are effective in preventing adult diseases and various diseases because the polyphenols contained in oats contain various antioxidants, and the body is said to be healthy only if the weak alkalinity persists. As we age, active oxygen accumulates in the body, the body becomes acidic, and active oxygen attacks the healthy cells of our body, causing aging of cells and various diseases.

How to Choose Oats
When choosing domestic oats, it is best to choose a thin, plump shape and buy well-dried ones to prevent foreign matter from mixing. As the efficacy of oats is known, the production of domestic oats is gradually increasing.
When cooking rice, the ratio of rice to oats should be 7: 3, washed with rice, soaked for 30 minutes to 1 hour, and then cooked with a little more water than usual. When making oatmeal rice with brown rice, you can add the amount of water as usual. Oats roasted and processed oats can be mixed with hot water or milk as they are. If you want to eat more delicious, it is better to fry them in a dry pan.
Like regular grains, it is stored in an airtight container in a cool, airy place; oats that are stored or opened for a long period of time are recommended to be sealed and stored in a refrigerator; also, indoor storage is good for a short period of time and hot summers should be avoided. oat side effect
There are no particular oat side effects; just over-consumption can cause indigestion, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The reason is that oats contain a lot of dietary fiber, so suddenly consuming a lot of dietary fiber can cause abdominal cramps and lead to imbalance of the intestinal flora.

People who are allergic to gluten should be careful because they may develop hives, and people with poor digestion or frequent ventilation should reduce their intake. I do not think anyone will eat too much.If consumed in moderation, oats are more beneficial to health than side effects