내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것 What you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card

National Learning Tomorrow Card

Adaptation to rapid technological development and improvement of competency development, etc. through vocational competency development training

This is to support the cost of training, etc.

내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것




The website of the Ministry of Employment and Labor introduces the vocational competency development training support program. 내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것

Please note

Go to government support project information 좋은뉴스


Many people use and learn, but those who use it for the first time are not familiar with the tomorrow learning card.

Learn how to use it and use it to your advantage.


Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card provides a pouch that receives government support for 5 years after issuance.

What you can learn with Tomorrow’s Learning Card (roughly drawn)

* Cuisine (Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Western, Barista, etc.)

* Technology (maintenance, wallpaper, plumbing, beauty, etc.)

* Overall computer related (programming, CAD, office, etc.)

* Nursing assistants, nursing assistants, etc.


Go to what you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card


If you want to know more, you can access the HRD-NET (Ministry of Employment and Labor) website for more detailed information.

After connecting to HRD-NET, you can search by entering conditions such as training course, desired occupation or region.


All the jobs you want, such as what you want to learn and the part to develop your work capacity, are searched.


If you just learn, the process of spending hundreds of thousands of won or millions of won will be reduced with the National Tomorrow Learning Card.

There is a deductible for each course, so please check the amount before taking the course.

In the case of national key events, 100% government subsidies are borne by the government, so please refer to these subjects to learn.


For those who are looking for a card before issuing it, I will briefly summarize the application qualifications.


Eligibility to apply for the Tomorrow Learning Card

Those who are currently self-employed or employed and college students may not be eligible to apply depending on the specified conditions.

Please check (except for college students, the income standards are divided)

In addition to working people, job seekers, non-regular workers, and high school seniors who do not wish to graduate from college can also apply.

Required documents vary depending on conditions, so please check before applying.