네이버페이 고객센터 및 전화번호 Naver Pay customer center and phone number

We will inform you of the Naver Customer Center phone number right away. ☎1588-3816, and the customer center varies depending on the Naver platform. With the launch of various platforms on Naver these days, Naver Shopping is showing good results in the shopping category. In this regard, let’s look at the customer service phone numbers for Naver Shopping and the entire Naver platform.

네이버페이 고객센터

네이버페이 고객센터

Can’t contact Naver Customer Center? We provide Naver Smart Pot service, which allows immediate consultation. Most problems will be resolved, so check it out right away.

✅ Go to Naver Smartbot Customer Center
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Naver Customer Center Phone Number

The Naver Customer Center phone number is ☎1588-3820 and the Naver Shopping Customer Center is ☎1588-3819. Naver Shopping, Naver Pay, and Store Farm are customer centers managed together. All Naver-related customer centers are open from 9:00 am to 18:00 pm on weekdays and are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.

Naver Shopping, Naver Pay, Store Farm: 1588 – 3819
Naver Customer Center main number: 1588 – 3820
Naver Pay payment theft report: 1588 – 3816
Naver Disability/Harm Response Center: 1588 – 3829
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Online Naver Customer Center

Because there are many inquiries through the Naver Customer Center main number, due to the influx of calls, consultations are often delayed. To achieve this, Naver has established a well-established customer center so that problems can be resolved immediately online.

✅ Go to Online Naver Customer Center
If you access through the link, you can receive frequently used help services as shown in the photo below, and you can also find the information you want through search.

Naver Customer Center Phone Number – PC
✔️Connect to a counselor through the Naver app

In addition, we are equipped to resolve all inquiries about Naver Flatbom service and provide official answers provided by Naver and connect with intellectuals to resolve your questions.

Naver Customer Center Phone Number – PC
If you click on Naver Shopping and have a question about a refund, it will show you the questions and answers that were asked and answered by Knowledge, which will help you get closer to the answer.

Naver Customer Center Phone Number – PC
Online Naver Customer Center – Smartbot

Naver customer service center hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays. That’s why you can’t provide 24-hour consultation like Coupang.

So, by building a smart robot inquiry chatbot system, consultation is available 24 hours a day. If you access the customer service center through the link below, you can select Smart Brush Inquiry, Talk Talk Inquiry, and Inquiry/Request Form at the bottom.

Naver Customer Center Phone Number – Mobile
Naver Pay Customer Center Online

The difference from Naver Customer Center is that Naver Pay Customer Center is operated differently and has a different website, so let’s check how to use it.

👉Go to Naver Pay Customer Center
By accessing the Naver Pay Customer Center, you can view both the Naver Pay Customer Center and the Naver Shopping Customer Center.
We will let you know intuitively through the photos below.
Naver Customer Center Phone Number – Mobile
For Naver Pay and Shopping, most problems can be solved through chatbot/talk consultation.

Through chatbot consultation, you can select an inquiry type and inquire in detail about ongoing shopping and Naver payment issues.
Almost all issues will be resolved, so please understand clearly before using the service.
Naver Customer Center
Naver Customer Center Phone Number – Connect to a counselor

I understand the Naver Customer Center phone number ☎1588 – 3820, so I will tell you about the quick number service so that you can quickly connect with an agent. Of course, you can keep calling and waiting, but the call often ends after just dialing the relevant service number. However, if you know the number in advance, you can connect to a representative right away.

Call the Naver customer service phone number provided above (ARS) and press the speed dial number to connect to the consultation. If you dial the number 1 → 2 → 3 → 2, you will be immediately connected to a counselor.

When listening to ARS inquiries, too much time passes, so do not listen to everything. Instead, press 1 → 2 → 3 → 2 in succession to quickly connect to an agent.

No. 1: Member service inquiry/Naver authentication
Number 2: Naver Plus Membership
No. 3: Smart Place
No. 4: Search-related inquiries
No. 5: Other inquiries such as blogs
We learned about the Naver Customer Center phone number and how to use the Naver Customer Center online. It is easy to use and most connect to the customer center, so please feel free to use it.