다이소 영업시간 알아보기 Find out Daiso’s business hours

Daiso business hours, opening hours, closed days
Hello, today we are going to learn about Daiso’s business hours. In relation to the boycott of Japanese products, the issue of whether Daiso is a Japanese company or not has been an issue for some time. In conclusion, we are paying royalties to Japan. Please use your own judgment to decide whether to use Daiso or not.

다이소 영업시간

다이소 영업시간

Daiso opening hours
Daiso’s opening hours are 10 a.m. every day. Although it may vary slightly from store to store, Daiso’s opening time on the website is listed as 10 o’clock.


I once misunderstood Daiso’s opening time, went at 9:30 and waited in front for 30 minutes. They were preparing to open the store, but they didn’t let me into the store because it wasn’t opening time yet. I experienced this situation twice because I didn’t know Daiso’s opening hours.


Daiso business hours
Daiso stores’ basic business hours are from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Depending on the store situation, we operate flexibly, such as opening early or extending closing times. You must check the exact business hours of each Daiso store by calling the store directly.


How to check business hours for each Daiso store
1. Daiso homepage: Store information > Store search > Search for “Dongmyeong”

Daiso’s website does not list business hours for each store. Previously, business hours were listed, but now only the address and phone number are listed. I think they removed it because the accuracy was low and claims kept coming in. It’s best to call each store to find out exact times.


2. Next map

If you search by area name + Daiso on the following map, Daiso stores in the corresponding location will be found, and business hours and phone numbers will be listed. Some Daiso stores have business hours listed, while others do not.


Daiso closed days
Daiso nationwide has no designated closing days. There is no notice of closed days on the Daiso website, but although it varies slightly from store to store, it seems that there are quite a few places that are closed only on the days of Chuseok and Lunar New Year holidays.


Daiso is now nearby wherever we go. As of 2018, it operates 1,300 stores nationwide and is a large-scale company with sales approaching 2 trillion won.


The above was information related to Daiso’s business hours, opening hours, and closed days.