둥글레차 효과 Effects and Side Effects of Dunggulle Tea Characteristics of Dunggulle Tea and Recommended Ways to Eat ㅣ Burdock Tea Diet Effect

둥글레차 효과Doonggule Tea Effect and Side Effect

It is a perennial plant of the lily family distributed in Korea, China, and Japan. The dried root is used for medicinal purposes in oriental medicine and is boiled and drunk as tea. The root has a sweet taste and is very nutritious, so it can be eaten raw during springtime.
It is good for those who are weak and have fatigue, dizziness, and headaches. It is also good for skin care because it has metabolism-stimulating and antioxidative effects, so after steaming and drying it, boiling it and taking it as tea or lightly water from time to time improves complexion and is good for blood pressure and blood sugar management.
It has a pleasant taste and aroma, so it is also good to eat.

The efficacy of roundworm tea
1. Dungulle tea is good for diet.
Green tea suppresses appetite by giving a feeling of fullness. Drinking before meals can reduce the amount of food eaten.
2. Dungule tea is helpful for anti-cancer activity.
It contains saponin, which helps to remove free radicals, which are free radicals, and has anti-cancer activity because it has antioxidant action.
3. Dungule tea is good for blood circulation.
Turmeric tea stimulates blood circulation and is good for headaches, dizziness, and numbness in the hands and feet.
4. Doonggullecha is good for skin care.
Dunggullae is rich in vitamin A, so it helps to remove active oxygen, so if you consume Dunggulle tea steadily, your skin will be radiant and it will be good for your complexion. Abundant dietary fiber in roundworm absorbs wastes and toxins in the body and helps to discharge them, so it relieves skin diseases such as melasma, freckles, and age spots.
5. Dungullecha is good for preventing aging.
When consumed for a long time, it has the effect of suppressing aging due to its antioxidant action.
6. Dungule tea helps to stabilize the mind and body.
It is rich in tryptophan, which stabilizes the nerves, so it helps to relieve stress and relieve nervousness.
If you have insomnia, it is good for relieving insomnia, quenching thirst and helping to remove cold sweat. For those with chronic fatigue who often feel tired, it is effective to drink Dunggulle tea steadily.
7. Doonggullecha helps improve diabetes.
It helps to lower blood sugar and control insulin, which helps prevent and improve diabetes. In oriental medicine, it is also helpful to stabilize the mind and body of diabetic patients.
8. Dungule tea is good for energy recovery.
In oriental medicine, it is said that when taken by a person who is weak or lacking in energy, it is said to be helpful for stamina and cold sweat.
Round tea recommendation ▼
Damteo Dungulle Tea
Jaaein Domestic Roasted Dunggulle 1kg Fresh Roasted Dunggulle Tea Dungule Chungbuk Jecheon

How to eat roundworm tea
Put about 20g of roundworm in 600ml of water, simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes, and drink. There is no digestive disorder, so it is good to boil it softly and drink it instead of water.
Drinking it for a long time improves complexion and lowers blood pressure and blood sugar.
Roundworm Tea Side Effects

Although donggule tea does not contain a lot of caffeine, excessive consumption may cause insomnia. It is recommended that you do not overdo it and drink 1-2 cups a day, or if you drink it often like water, drink it very lightly.
☞☞ Burdock tea diet efficacy and side effects (burdock effect & precautions)
Jayeonjiae Roasted Burdock Tea
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둥글레차 효과
