로젠택배 실시간 위치 추적 3 ways to check the real-time location of Rosen Express! Try it now!

Receiving a parcel is always exciting. So I want to receive it quickly, and the arrival time may be important depending on the nature of the product. So today, I will tell you three ways to search the real-time location of Rosen Express.

로젠택배 실시간 위치 추적

How to search the real-time location of Rosen Express
Rosen Courier-Location-Search
Rosen Courier-Location-Search
1. Inquiry by waybill number


The link above is the Rosen Courier delivery inquiry site. Go to the website above and enter the 11 digits of the waybill number without hyphens (-) to search. In the case of the waybill number, you can inquire through the site where you purchased it, and since the sender knows it, you can easily find out by contacting and asking.


2. Search by customer information

Similarly, if you enter the link above and log in, you can easily figure out your real-time location.


3. Search by reservation number 로젠택배 실시간 위치 추적

You can also search by reservation number. Since a lot of people who return products make reservations, please check through the reservation number.


In addition to this, you can view by installing the Rosen Courier app. It would be better for those who use this method often rather than those who occasionally use Rosen Courier. 비지니스헬퍼


If all of these methods do not work, you can call the Rosen Courier Customer Center at 1588-9988 to inquire directly.


Today, we learned how to search the real-time location of Rosen Express. I hope you receive the parcel and have a good time.