리볼빙 신용등급 [Fact Check] Will my credit rating go down if I get my credit card revolving?

리볼빙 신용등급KOSDAQ
[iNews24 Reporter Seo Sang-hyuk] “If this month’s payment is burdensome, try reducing it to the desired amount.”
Anyone who uses a credit card has probably received a revolving advertising text message at least once. Especially if you spent more than usual due to summer vacation or a family member’s birthday, it would not have been easy to ignore such a sweet offer.
But it feels uncomfortable to suddenly hold hands. Wouldn’t there be a loss that I would have to bear? Since you are saying you will repay the money you owe later, won’t this have a negative impact on your finances or credit rating?

Typically, credit rating agencies evaluate an individual’s credit through two steps.
The first process is the model development stage. It is a procedure to classify individuals, including groups with and without past delinquency records, based on various criteria, and then create a so-called ‘evaluation checklist’ appropriate for each group. The checklist contains a variety of items, including whether or not to use a loan, and the content varies from group to group. Rating agencies evaluate an individual’s credit based on this checklist.
‘Revolving’ is not included in the evaluation items. This is because meaningful statistics have not yet been accumulated to use as a basis for calculation.
An official from Korea Credit Bureau (KCB), a credit rating agency, explained, “Although information related to revolving is coming in, we are not using it for evaluation because there are not many customers using revolving in Korea.”
However, there is a high probability that using revolving will have a negative impact on your credit rating.
What rating agencies focus most on when evaluating credit is an individual’s ability to repay. In fact, if you frequently pay with a credit card and repay it in a lump sum, you can receive a positive score on your credit evaluation.
On the other hand, if you make a payment with a credit card and incur an ‘unpaid amount’, which is money that has not yet been repaid, your credit rating will be negatively affected. This is because a question mark is placed on the ability to repay. Based on this logic, using installment payments will have a somewhat negative effect on credit evaluation.
A KCB official explained, “There is no problem with the fact that revolving was received, but it will be negatively affected as the amount to be paid this month is postponed to next month, resulting in undelivered amounts.”
There is a possibility that revolving will be used as an evaluation item in credit evaluation in the future. This is because applying for revolving itself can act as a risk to the ability to repay.
This official said, “There is no problem with the lump sum payment because it is repaid immediately in the month of payment,” and “If you use revolving, you will have money to repay anyway, and since it is unknown whether or not it will be repaid, it will be introduced as an evaluation item in the future.” “I think the possibility is high,” he said.

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