맹장 위치 증상 Is ‘abdominal pain’ unconditional appendix?… Different causes depending on pain location – Hospital News

맹장 위치 증상In particular, the appearance of unbearable pain in the right lower abdomen often reminds of appendicitis (appendicitis).
However, pain in the right lower abdomen may not mean appendicitis.
Similar to the symptoms of appendicitis, but unfamiliar diseases, ‘diverticitis’ or ‘cholelithiasis’ should also be kept in mind.
With Kang Dong-woo, head of the colorectal and anal surgery department at Hansol Hospital, we looked into various diseases that accompany abdominal pain.
□ Appendicitis
The correct name for appendicitis, which is commonly known, is appendicitis.
Appendicitis is a disease in which the appendix, which is about 10 cm long at the end of the appendix, becomes inflamed.
If you get acute appendicitis, you will first experience symptoms of body sweat and pain in the epigastric region, and over time, the pain will be localized to the right lower abdomen, which is the location of the appendix, through the navel area.
When appendicitis progresses and is perforated, the pain becomes more severe and the pain area spreads to the lower abdomen or the entire abdomen.
In case of appendicitis, surgical treatment is essential.
If the timing of surgery is delayed, the appendix can perforate and cause peritonitis, so prompt treatment is needed.
□ Colon diverticulitis
Colonic diverticulum is a condition in which the wall of the large intestine weakens and protrudes outward in a circular arc shape.
Diverticulitis is when contaminants such as feces enter the protruding sac and cause inflammation.
When diverticulitis occurs, symptoms such as pain, fever, chills, diarrhea, and nausea appear, and when inflammation worsens, diverticulum perforation may occur.
If diverticulitis occurs in the right large intestine, it is easy to mistake it for appendicitis because the location of the pain is similar.
In the case of appendicitis, symptoms such as indigestion and nausea appear at first, as if the pituitary gland is inflamed, and then the pain moves to the right lower abdomen after 1 to 2 days, while diverticulitis causes pain in the lower abdomen without any prodromal symptoms. It’s the difference.
Treatment for diverticulitis varies depending on the severity of the disease.
If the symptoms are mild early diverticulitis, it can be improved through fasting and drug treatment, but if the symptoms are severe or repeated, a colon resection is also performed.
□ Gallbladder stones
Gallstones are a disease in which bile hardens like a stone and forms in the gallbladder or bile duct.
Symptoms of cholelithiasis include pain in the right upper abdomen or epigastric region, or a feeling of bloating and bloating.
If accompanied by fever or chills, you should keep in mind the possibility of complications such as cholecystitis.
Kang Dong-woo, head of the medical department, explained, “Because abdominal pain can occur for various reasons, it is most important to treat it quickly through accurate diagnosis. Accurate diagnosis is possible through colonoscopy, ultrasound, or abdominal CT scan.” .
He added, “If surgery is necessary, it is performed through laparoscopic surgery, so only a small incision of 1 to 2 cm is made.

맹장 위치 증상
