모기 잡는 법 [How to catch invisible mosquitoes, how to get rid of mosquitoes, how to avoid mosquito bites]

모기 잡는 법These days, summer uninvited guests are often seen. that’s right. Mosquitoes are often seen these days. During the day, mosquitoes come and disturb me, and at night, too, when I sleep, mosquitoes come and disturb me. Mosquitoes can make you sleepy, and bites can make you itchy. Today, I’m going to talk about mosquitoes, an uninvited guest in the summer. What are some ways to get rid of mosquitoes, how to catch mosquitoes, and how to find mosquitoes that are not always there! Shall we find out?

Mosquitoes will come in even if you have insect screens. I think preventing mosquitoes from entering is the most freedom from mosquitoes in a way. How can I get rid of mosquitoes? First, try using spicy cinnamon. After mixing cinnamon powder and ethanol at a ratio of 2:8 and aging for about 2 weeks, it becomes a better mosquito repellent spray than insecticide when used in a spray. If you put cinnamon in front of a window or door, it’s said that mosquitoes can’t get in easily. Another way is to grow plants. Among the herb plants that mosquitoes do not like, there is Manchuria. If you grow horsetail weed, you won’t be able to come in because mosquitoes don’t like it, right?
Mosquitoes always come when you turn off the lights and go to bed. The weather is hot, so I can’t sleep at night, but with mosquitoes, it’s very difficult to sleep. Use an electric fly swatter to catch mosquitoes. Place an electric fly swatter around where you sleep, and when you hear a mosquito sound, swing it around to catch mosquitoes. These days, mosquitoes have become resistant, so things like killers and repellents are often ineffective. Catch mosquitoes with an electric fly swatter!
Mosquitoes are so invisible that it is very difficult to find them. Here are a few ways to spot mosquitoes. 1. Stirring around nooks and crannies. Mosquitoes like dark places. 2. Look for damp areas. Mosquitoes love damp places. 3. Stick to the wall and look for it. It is very difficult to find mosquitoes when you look directly at them. It doesn’t even look good. If you put your eyes on the wall and look for it, you’ll find mosquitoes in no time.
Uninvited mosquitoes in summer! Let’s say goodbye to mosquitoes with the above methods. I hope it can be a summer free from mosquitoes. If you have your own know-how to get rid of mosquitoes, be sure to! Please comment!
breakdown of fruit,
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