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Same effect as a physical ID card… Issued by Government 24, Driver’s License Examination Center, and Police Station

Resident registration card mobile verification service and mobile driver’s license service screen.

The era of full-fledged mobile ID cards has begun as resident registration cards and driver’s licenses that had to be carried around in wallets are now stored on smartphones. These mobile ID cards have the same effect as physical ID cards according to relevant laws.

The Ministry of the Interior and Safety began a pilot operation of the ‘Resident Registration Card Mobile Verification Service’ on June 29, which allows you to use your resident registration card on your smartphone. This is a method of verifying your identity by displaying the information on your resident registration card on your smartphone screen using the ‘Government 24’ app and verifying its authenticity. After downloading and installing the ‘Government 24’ app on your own smartphone, you can go through simple procedures such as authenticating your telecommunications pass and entering basic information in the ‘Resident Registration Card Mobile Verification Service’ menu. However, if your resident registration has been cancelled or you cannot use your physical resident registration card normally due to loss, the service cannot be used. It can only be used on one smartphone in your name.

A ‘mobile driver’s license’ is a driver’s license issued to a personal smartphone. After a pilot issuance period, issuance was expanded to 27 driver’s license examination centers and 258 police stations nationwide starting July 28. You can choose between downloading and installing the ‘mobile ID (driver’s license)’ app and receiving an integrated circuit (IC) driver’s license or visiting a driver’s license examination center to receive it via QR.

To receive a mobile driver’s license using the first method, an IC driver’s license, you must replace your existing driver’s license with an IC driver’s license. You can apply for an IC driver’s license on the ‘Safe Driving Integrated Civil Service’ website (www.safedriving.or.kr) and receive it at a designated driver’s license examination center or police station civil service office, or apply at a driver’s license examination center or police station. If you apply at the driver’s license examination center, you can receive it on site. If you apply at the police station’s civil affairs office or online, it takes about 1-2 weeks to receive the IC driver’s license. After touching the IC driver’s license you received to the back of your smartphone and verifying your identity, you can receive a mobile driver’s license. If you replace or lose your smartphone, you can receive a reissued IC driver’s license without having to visit the institution again.

The second method is to take a picture of the QR code installed at the driver’s license examination center window with a mobile ID app and receive it. This method costs 1,000 won compared to the IC driver’s license issuance cost of 13,000 won. However, if you need to reissue your mobile driver’s license due to replacing or losing your smartphone, you must visit the driver’s license examination center again.

A mobile driver’s license can only be issued to one terminal in your name, and if you report the loss of your terminal, your mobile driver’s license will be locked and will not be displayed on the screen. You can verify it with your own eyes or with the ‘mobile ID verification app’. Busan Irajoda No. 202213
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