무직자 청년대출 BEST 6 places where unemployed youth can get loans up to 3 million won

무직자 청년대출There are loans that young people can easily obtain, but it is also a good idea to use an emergency fund loan or a savings account. The conditions for using a loan are easy and you can get a loan quickly through the mobile app, so we recommend checking each condition.

Furthermore, it would be helpful to check the details of each product to find out what government-backed loans are available and what the conditions are.
It is a low-income financial product designed to help college students and young people resolve financial difficulties and focus on studying and preparing for employment, thereby supporting successful entry into society and stable economic activities.

Guarantee target: People aged 19 to 34 with an annual income of 35 million won or less
– Job seekers: college students, credit bank system students, unemployed youth
– Newcomer to society: A person who has been employed at a small or medium-sized business for less than one year
Loan limit: Up to 12 million won per person
Loan interest rate: 3.6 to 4.5% per year
Loan term: up to 15 years
Repayment method: Repayment of principal in equal installments

Loan target: Customers who meet all of the criteria below, regardless of occupation or income.
– Koreans over 19 years old
– Customers eligible to issue Seoul Guarantee Insurance insurance policy
Loan limit: 500 to 3 million won
Loan interest rate: 4.575 ~ 15.000% per year
Loan period: 1 year
Repayment method: lump sum repayment at maturity
Loan target: Customers of the three telecommunication companies that can calculate communication ratings, and anyone in the CB 1~6- section can apply.
Loan limit: Up to 3 million won
Loan interest rate: 6.67 ~ 7.67% per year
Loan period: 1 year
Repayment method: Bankbook loan type limit transaction loan (minus bankbook)
Loan target: Customers who meet all of the criteria below
– Customers who meet our screening standards
– Customers eligible to issue Seoul Guarantee Insurance insurance policy
– Koreans over 19 years old
Loan limit: 500 to 3 million won
Loan interest rate: 5.75 ~ 15.00% per year
Loan period: 1 year
Repayment method: lump sum repayment at maturity
Loan target: Customers who meet the conditions below
– Customers who meet our personal credit evaluation criteria regardless of occupation/income
– Customers with KCB personal credit score of 475 or higher
Loan limit: 3 million won (applicable in 500,000 won increments) Up to 2 accounts within the limit
Loan interest rate: 8.9 ~ 19.9% ​​per year
Loan period: 1 year (extendable up to 5 years)
Repayment method: Minus account, lump sum repayment at maturity

Emergency fund loans are available from each 1st and 2nd financial institutions. If you are interested in checking out various products other than those above, please check the related information.
▶ Find out where mobile loans are available for the unemployed at a glance

However, if you are not approved, it is a good idea to look into other products. In that case, please look into the minus bank account product.
This is a loan product that anyone with a smartphone can use easily and quickly.

Eligibility for subscription: Salary earners with excellent credit scores
– Koreans over 19 years old
– Customers eligible to issue Seoul Guarantee Insurance insurance policy
– Office workers who have been employed for more than 1 year based on the National Health Insurance Corporation’s certificate of qualification gain or loss
– Customers with an annualized income of 35 million won or more, estimated from insurance premiums paid according to the National Health Insurance Corporation’s insurance premium payment confirmation letter
Loan limit: Up to 240 million won
Rough interest rate: 5.177 ~ 7.353% per year
Loan period: 1 year (extendable up to 10 years)
Repayment method: lump sum repayment at maturity
You can use it quickly and easily with the Minus account available at Toss Bank.

Loan target: Customers who have been employed at their current job for more than 3 months and have an annual income of 10 million won or more
Loan limit: 1 million won ~ 150 million won
Loan interest rate: 6.37 ~ 14.46% per year
Loan period: 1 year (extendable in 1-year increments up to 10 years)
Repayment method: lump sum repayment at maturity

The above products are also available to unemployed young people. If you check the conditions and limits of each, you can use the loan with better conditions.

However, since a loan is not unconditionally approved, we recommend that you check together to see what alternatives are available in case the loan is rejected.
Emergency fund loans and negative bank account loans are easy to use, so you can quickly check the limit, but it can be difficult to check alternatives if the loan is rejected. It would be a good idea to find out what products are available at that time, and the details are as follows.

Since government-backed loans include various products such as New Hope Spore and Microfinance in addition to Sunshine Loan Youth, it would be helpful to check the conditions and limits of each.
▶ Unemployed people can get government-backed loans without proof of income!

We recommend using a loan company or personal loan. Some people may feel anxious about getting a loan when using a loan company. In such cases, it is helpful to check how to use a safe loan through reviews, so it is helpful to check each information.
▶ Are you looking for a safe loan company?
▶ Summary of how to deal with malicious companies reviewed by Loan Nara
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