미소드림적금 Korea Inclusive Finance Agency

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Support asset formation to establish a foundation for economic independence for the common people

① Faithful microfinance repayment patients (those who are regular microfinance loan users as of the date of application (even if there is only one case, the number of days overdue is 1 day)
(Not available for those who are above)) Those who are in the next lower class or below, those who are eligible for work incentives, and those who are eligible for self-reliance funds for vulnerable groups
(Single-parent families, grandparents, multicultural family heads, North Korean defectors, registered disabled people, residents of special disaster areas, etc.)

② Faithful debt repayment patients (among those who are debt adjusters from the Credit Recovery Committee or the National Happiness Fund)
6 months have passed since the date of confirmation of the debt repayment plan (date of contract conclusion), and those who are in the second highest class or below (patients who have faithfully repaid more than 6 times)

※ Exclusions: Those currently in transit as of the date of consultation, those who have completed the product, or those who have exchanged for the above product,
and existing Smile Dream Savings subscribers are excluded.

In order to establish a foundation for economic independence for the common people, those who meet certain requirements among faithful microcredit repayers or debt restructuring patients
a certain amount
A product in which the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency provides additional support for an amount equivalent to the maturity interest received from the bank upon maturity of the savings.

Up to 200,000 won per month (minimum 10,000 won)
Minimum of 1 year and maximum of 5 years (maximum of 3 years and less than 500,000 won for subsidy from the National Savings Fund)
Free savings type (no maturity extension)
Savings product interest rate
※ However, the savings interest rate may change depending on changes in the base interest rate.
Lump sum payment at maturity
5 banks (Woori, Shinhan, Kookmin, KEB Hana, Industrial Bank of Korea) branch counters
·Those who wish to join the Smile Dream Savings account among faithful Smile Credit patients must fill out an application form at a Smile Finance branch.
·Those who wish to subscribe to Smile Dream Savings among faithful debt adjustment patients must visit the relevant debt adjustment organization to repay their debt.
Receive a confirmation of repayment details, visit a microfinance branch, and fill out an application form.
·Prepare identification cards and documents confirming eligibility for support
· For users who meet the requirements for Smile Dream Savings, branches and integrated support centers offer ‘asset building products’.
(Smile Dream Savings) Participation Recommendation Letter issued
·Applicants must visit the bank branch listed in the recommendation letter and open a Smile Dream Savings account.
· Applicants must complete the ‘Asset Creation Product (Misso Dream Savings) Transaction Agreement’ regarding payment of support funds after savings maturity.

·At the time of maturity or early termination of savings, claim support by attaching interest confirmation (receipt) from Smile Dream Savings.
·Send support money to the account requested by the user
In the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency app
Apply for Smile Dream Savings
Copyright Since 2016 Korea Inclusive Finance Agency.
All Rights Reserved.

Nationally recognized certification body (ISMS): Financial Security Institute
[Certification Scope] Public service operation (web, mobile)
[Validity period] 2022.02.23. ~ 2025.02.22.

