버스운전자격증 시험 Bus driver qualification test: From confirmation of eligibility to application submission

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Driving a car plays a big role not only in personal convenience, but also in public transportation. In particular, bus drivers influence the movement of society as a whole, and safe and fast operation is very important. Accordingly, there is a ‘bus driving qualification test’ for those who want to drive a passenger car. In this article, we will provide all information, from checking eligibility to take the test to application submission, test subjects, and acquisition procedures.

▶ What is the bus driving qualification test?
▶ Eligibility criteria for taking the test
▶ What are the test subjects and passing criteria?
▶ Things to keep in mind when submitting your application
▶ In conclusion…
The bus driving qualification test is for people who aim to drive commercial buses such as route passenger transport business, charter bus transport business, and special passenger car transport business. After passing this test, you can obtain a bus driving license.

To take the bus driving test, you must meet several eligibility requirements.
You must be 20 years of age or older and have a Class 1 large or Class 1 regular driver’s license to drive a commercial vehicle. Additionally, you must have at least one year of driving experience, and it is calculated based on the driver’s license holding period, excluding cancellation and suspension periods. However, even if you have less than 1 year of experience, you can apply if you have completed bus driver training. Lastly, it must also meet the new test standards (as of the test submission date) according to the detailed driving aptitude test standards. 
1. Test subjects and passing criteria
⦁ The bus driving qualification test consists of several subjects, and you will pass the test if you score 60 points out of a total of 100 points (48 questions out of a total of 80 questions) by earning points for each subject.
2. Test time (per session) Total test time (80 minutes)
To take the bus driving test, you must follow a series of steps. First, check the application conditions, check the exam schedule, and then proceed with application. A certificate will be issued after taking the test.
🔗 Go to online application for bus driving
1. Cases where application can be made online
① A person who has taken a new driving aptitude test less than 3 years ago
② A person who has passed three years since receiving a detailed driving aptitude test and has not had an accident since the test
※ If business experience is not registered in the transportation worker management system, the certificate can be issued only after submitting the relevant documents after passing the exam (pass will be canceled if there is an accident history)

2. Documents to be submitted
Driving experience certificate for the entire period (issued by the police station)
※ The driving experience certificate for the entire period must be submitted by the police chief within the test application period.
(If a traffic accident is discovered between the new inspection date and the test date, you cannot take the qualification test.)
3. Select test location
Select the test location: You can select it regardless of your current address.
4. Fill out the application form
⦁ Confirm personal information, enter driver’s license
⦁ Fee payment (credit card, real-time account transfer, virtual account)
5. Confirmation of receipt
⦁ Providing services such as confirmation of application receipt and printing of admission tickets
⦁ Be sure to check your application number, test location, etc.
Bus drivers are one of the important players in public transportation. Therefore, I think it is important to continue training and focus on safe driving even after passing the exam. This is because safe driving has a huge impact not only on passengers but also on all road users.
Now you know general information about the bus driving qualification test. We look forward to creating a better road culture through safe driving.
[Data source: Korea Transportation Safety Authority]
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