보건증 발급 How to issue a health certificate is simple~ : Naver Blog

보건증 발급2020. 1. 12. 2:34

Hello, this is Kobangbang.

In order to work as a part-time or employee in the restaurant industry,

A document called a health certificate is required.

Of course, business owners must also obtain a health certificate as standard.

Only then can a business registration certificate be issued.

If you work part-time or as an employee without a health certificate,

In any case, the Sanitation Department may impose a fine for unscheduled inspections.

Now, let’s find out how to get a health certificate.

Park first…

The Seobuk-gu Public Health Center is close to where I work, right next to the Seobuk-gu Office.

Go to Seobuk-gu Public Health Center.

Inside the public health center.

It doesn’t feel like a regular hospital, with a reception room, measurement room, etc., but it roughly feels like this.

Before registering at the reception desk

You must fill out an application for issuance of a health examination result.

“Application form for issuance of health examination results”

Simply fill in your name, contact information, resident registration number, etc.

Just go to the reception desk and apply.

If you look at the number ticket issuing machine,

It says, “Please take a number after filling out the application form.”

If you tell them you are there to get a health certificate from the reception desk,

After paying 3,000 nyang, the inspection begins immediately.

Payment can be made either in cash or by card.

And you must bring your ID.

Then take the receipt

You can submit it to each laboratory and it will be returned to you.


Here, in testing room number 1, I received a plastic container containing a cotton swab.

Perform a stool test (anal swab test)

go to the bathroom

contained in a plastic container

After gently inserting and removing a cotton swab-like object into the anus,

Just put it back in the plastic container.

Just put it in and take it out.

If you put it too deep, you will feel a sharp pain.

After collecting the sample, go back to inspection room 1 and submit it.

Then, you can go into the chest x-ray room.

You can’t just blindly open the door and go in.

You must take a number ticket.

When it is your turn, you must go in then.

Just bring the receipt you received when registering and your ID card.

Once an x-ray is taken here, all examinations are completed.

When the test is complete

You can get something like this

They said there was no need to look for a health certificate later.

throw it away

All you need is your ID to find it later.

Just go pick it up in 4-5 days.

When an agent finds

Inspector ID
Inspector Power of Attorney
You must bring your representative’s ID card.

Without visiting a public health center

To issue online

This is possible with a public certificate or mobile phone authentication.

Available at www.g-health.kr

Health certificate previously issued
If you visit after 4-5 days,

In this way, you can receive a health certificate, which is commonly referred to as a health examination result.

Actually, I got it reissued this time.

Since it is valid for one year, it must be issued before one year expires.

We looked into how to issue a health certificate.


daily record

보건증 발급
