보건증 인터넷 발급 및 발급병원 찾기 Issuing health certificates online and finding issuing hospitals

For workers in the food and entertainment industry, health examinations must be conducted in accordance with laws such as the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. In particular, people who work in restaurants or food-related companies will be familiar with it. A fine will be imposed if the health certificate is not issued, so you must renew it before the expiration date. Let’s learn about how to issue a health certificate online, cost, expiration date, inspection items, etc.

보건증 인터넷 발급

보건증 인터넷 발급

Summary of health certificate issuance
Summary of health certificate issuance
How to issue a health certificate
There are several ways to obtain a health certificate. When filling out the health certificate application, you can choose how you would like to receive it. Let’s learn about how to issue a health certificate. Re-issuance of a health certificate is possible in the same way.

1. Offline issuance
You can receive your health certificate by visiting the public health center that inspected it. At this time, you must bring your ID and proxy pickup is possible. When receiving by proxy, <Power of Attorney for Proxy Receipt of Health Examination Results> and <Representative Identification Card> are required.


2. Internet issuance
You can easily print out your health certificate via the Internet at home without having to visit a public health center. Health certificates can be issued online through the Public Health Portal (www.e-health.go.kr) and Government 24 (gov.kr). Online issuance can only be checked if the judgment result is ‘normal’. Otherwise, you can obtain one by visiting the relevant public health center.

Public health portal > Civil service > Issuance of certification document > Select health examination result (old health certificate)
Government 24> Search for health certificate issuance > Select Health examination result (health certificate) issuance

Go to online issuance of health certificate


3. Receive by fax or mail
Health certificate results can be received by fax or mail. When applying for a health certificate, please fill in the fax or mail address and apply. Shipping fees may apply when receiving by mail.

Health certificate cost
The cost of a health certificate varies depending on the institution issuing it. I recommend the public health center because it is the cheapest.

agency fees
Public health center 3,000 won
Hospital Prices vary from hospital to hospital, but range from 10,000 to 30,000 won.
Re-issuance of a health certificate is free or costs 3,000 won depending on the region. Internet reissue is free.


Health certificate issuance period
Health certificates can be issued within 5 days after the test, excluding weekends and public holidays. Please refer to the expected issuance date written on the public health center receipt.


Health certificate validity period
Once the health certificate expires, it can no longer be used. Therefore, it is necessary to renew the health certificate before its validity period expires. Re-issuance and renewal are different, so if you receive a health certificate before its expiration date, you must obtain a renewal. When reissuing a health certificate, the examination date is not renewed. If you are working in the food industry after the expiration date of your health certificate, you will be subject to a fine, so please renew it in advance, taking into account the time period for the test results to come out before the expiration date. The validity period of a health certificate varies depending on the industry. Please check the table below.

From the date of industry examination
1 year in the food and restaurant industry
6 months for educational facility (school) workers
6 entertainment establishment workers

Health certificate inspection items
Let’s take a look at the health certificate inspection items. There are three items to be tested during the health certificate test.

Inspection items Inspection method
Typhus/bacterial dysentery test Insert a cotton swab 2.5 to 4 cm into the anus and collect the sample.
Pulmonary Tuberculosis A chest X-ray is taken after removing all tops, including underwear and accessories.

For women, if you wear underwear without plastic or wire when you visit, you can be photographed without taking off your underwear.
Infectious skin disease Check both hands visually to see if there is a skin disease.

Is it possible to get a health card test when menstruating?
Yes, it is possible. Health certificate testing is possible regardless of menstruation.


Hospitals that can issue health certificates
Health certificates can be issued at most public health centers. Public health branches or smaller places may not issue health certificates, so please check by phone before visiting. Some people may want to obtain a health certificate from a hospital rather than a public health center. Since health certificate work is mainly done in internal medicine departments, please call the internal medicine hospital to check if they issue health certificates before visiting.


Find a hospital issuing a health certificate


So far, we have learned about the method of issuing health certificates online, cost, expiration date, inspection points, etc. I hope this will be helpful to those who are preparing for issuance of a health certificate. thank you