서울시 임산부 교통비 지원 신청방법 Seoul Mom Care System

서울시 임산부 교통비 지원 신청방법The head of the security agency receiving this application shall comply with Articles 5, 7, and 19 of the Act on the Use and Provision of Social Security Benefits and the Discovery of Beneficiaries (hereinafter referred to as the Social Security Benefits Act).
In accordance with Article 28 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act, we intend to collect, use and provide personal information for the purpose of selection and verification of support recipients.
Matters relating to the collection, use and provision of personal information, matters relating to the processing of unique identification information, matters relating to the joint use of administrative information,
Please read all the contents regarding the use of the Comfortable Pregnancy Integrated System clearly and agree to them.

Please agree to inform us of relevant matters as we collect, use, and provide your personal information as follows in order to process the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s transportation expenses support project for pregnant women and the maternal postpartum care expense support project.

After business support ends, it is recorded and preserved in accordance with the provisions of Article 34 of the Social Security Benefits Act and other relevant laws and regulations, and when the period elapses, it is destroyed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, etc. Seoul City processes personal information appropriately to the extent necessary for the purpose of processing and does not use it for purposes other than those purposes, and participants who have provided personal information may modify the personal information they entered.
Applicants have the right to refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information. However, if consent is refused, support for transportation expenses for pregnant women and postpartum care expenses may be limited.

In relation to applying for this business, in order to receive your personal information from a third party as follows, Article 17 (Provision of Personal Information) and Article 20 (Source of Collection of Personal Information Collected from Persons Other than the Information Subject) of the Personal Information Protection Act Please agree that we will inform you of related matters in accordance with the provisions of the notice, etc.).
When applying for this project, we would like to provide personal information to a third party as shown below in order to proceed with the project, such as application and qualification requirements.
However, the applicant has the right to refuse consent to providing or viewing personal information to a third party. However, if you refuse to consent, your eligibility cannot be confirmed and you will not be able to receive support for pregnant women’s transportation expenses and postpartum care expenses.

If you are under 14 years of age, please visit your local community center to apply.

In order to process the relevant affairs, I agree to allow the person in charge of the user organization to electronically verify my required documents through the joint use of administrative information pursuant to Article 36 of the Electronic Government Act.

Purpose of civil affairs (customer) work: Support for transportation expenses for pregnant women and support for maternal postpartum care expenses (application, selection, payment, target management)
Administrative information for joint use: resident registration, etc., abstract (for confirmation of residence in Seoul and period of residence)
Name of user organization: 25 autonomous districts and neighborhood community centers in Seoul

There will be no disadvantage even if you do not consent to the use of the above administrative information. However, if you do not agree, you must submit the relevant documents yourself.
In order to process the relevant work, I agree to allow the person in charge of the user organization to electronically check my required documents through the ‘Mam-Convenient Pregnancy Management System’.

Purpose of civil affairs (customer) service: Screening for eligibility for transportation expenses support for pregnant women
Shared administrative information: date of pregnancy confirmation, expected date of delivery, name of medical institution (institution symbol), name of doctor in charge (license number)
Name of user organization: 25 autonomous districts and neighborhood community centers in Seoul

There will be no disadvantage even if you do not consent to the use of the above information. However, if you do not agree, you must submit the relevant documents yourself.
The city of Seoul intends to collect and use applicants’ personal information in order to provide positive parenting coaching to applicants for transportation expenses support for pregnant women on a regular basis with information on various childcare techniques. Please agree to receive text messages for related information.
□ Items of personal information collected and used: Applicant’s name, mobile phone number
□ Information provided: Information related to parenting coaching and parenting skills
□ Period of retention and use of personal information: 2 years
Applicants have the right not to consent to the collection, use, and provision of personal information, and if they do not agree, they will not be disadvantaged in the ‘application, selection, and payment of transportation expenses’ for this project.
Personal information is collected, used and provided without the consent of the information subject in accordance with Article 15, Paragraph 1, Items 2 and 3, and Article 17, Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 4 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

서울시 임산부 교통비 지원 신청방법
