소상공인 새출발 희망 프로젝트 Small Business Owners and Self-Employed New Start Hope Project! One by one~ Policy Unraveling – Video | Multimedia | Republic of Korea Policy Briefing

소상공인 새출발 희망 프로젝트Dingdong~ Welcome policy delivery,

Delivery completed today too!

The delivery we will be talking about this time is

Comprehensive measures for small business owners and the self-employed

「New Start Hope Project」!

Support measures for small business owners and the self-employed who are struggling due to COVID-19, global political instability, etc.!

From financial support to ease the burden to smart benefits!

Must watch because it contains only policies that are perfect for small business owners and the self-employed!

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소상공인 새출발 희망 프로젝트
