신규사업자 대출 There are ways to get a business loan for a new corporation.

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This is the Small Business Finance Support Center that helps with corporate financing and certification.

When operating a business, especially in the early stages, a lot of funds are required.

If you have sufficient capital, it will not be a big burden, but since the current economic atmosphere is different from usual due to interest rate hikes and a surge in raw materials,
If you are looking for a new corporate business loan method, I would like to suggest several methods.

First, new corporate business loans are more difficult than currently operating businesses.

This is because they lack credit and financial indicators that can demonstrate their ability to repay.

As a result, it is difficult to receive financing from commercial banks or nearby business partners,
and it is best to cooperate with the Small Business Finance Support Center through the following methods.

Types of new corporate business loans? – Policy funds (Credit Guarantee Fund, Credit Guarantee Foundation, Technology Guarantee Fund, etc.)
– Factory (=real estate) collateral or personal property collateral (=machinery equipment collateral)
– Collateral or lease of machinery to be purchased
– Representative personal credit loan

The above methods are methods that can be used as new corporate business loans.

You can choose a method depending on the current situation, and you can procure larger funds by proceeding with not just one method but simultaneously.

The first policy fund is a method of receiving a review and issuing a certificate of guarantee through Korea’s quasi-governmental organizations such as the Credit Guarantee Fund and Technology Guarantee Fund.

This is a method of borrowing funds based on credit and growth potential for companies that lack real estate collateral.

It has the advantage of the lowest interest rate and favorable conditions among all methods on the market.

However, since reapplication is not possible for 6 months if the review is rejected, perfect preparation is necessary from the beginning.

The second method is to procure funds through a factory collateral or personal property collateral loan. If you own a business or have machinery and equipment, this is a method of obtaining financing by setting it as collateral.
Since we cooperate with the first financial sector, you can expect good conditions depending on the collateral.

You need to cooperate with a bank branch that specializes in real estate and personal property collateral.

The third is a method of setting the relevant object as collateral if you are a new business owner and want to introduce machinery.
If you have not yet introduced the machinery, you can introduce the machinery through an operating lease/financial lease through a personal property collateral loan from the first financial sector or a leasing company.
You can pay 10-30% of your own burden and procure the remainder as facility funds.
Depending on the current situation, you can even procure the self-burden amount.

Lastly, there is the representative’s personal credit loan.
If the methods listed above are not possible, you must procure funds through the representative’s personal credit.

The Small and Medium Business Financial Support Center is a professional organization from the financial sector that offers optimal conditions through channels that cooperate with each institution and branch.

New corporation business loan screening criteria
– No history of national tax delinquency or default
– Representative credit rating within 6th grade (higher credit score is more advantageous)
– Review of business plan and business content

Additionally, it would be helpful if you have tax invoice purchase/sales history or experience related to existing business.

Since a new corporation business loan may not be granted due to one uncertain reason, we recommend that you receive a suggestion for a possible method after a business diagnosis according to the current situation!

The most important thing about a new corporation business loan is that it should be conducted from an objective perspective.

Since both policy funds and bank loans are judged based on objective data, only thorough preparation from the beginning, such as the approach and preparation method, is necessary for a successful new corporation business loan.

Check the budget for the second half of the year for the Credit Guarantee Fund business loan
Manufacturing industry loan method, policy funds and conditions
Check VAT non-deductible items (input tax deduction)
We will contact you after confirming with the person in charge! Small and Medium Business Financial Support Center 32, Wonmi-ro 7beon-gil, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 8F Business Registration Number: 825-69-00425
COPYRIGHT ⓒSmall and Medium Business Policy Fund Support Center All Right Reserved.
Main Number 1600-1340
​Fax Number 070-4758-0232

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